Thursday, October 28, 2010



Forrest Rowell, who has served as Youth Pastor at Praise AG in Pueblo, CO recently received approval from the Rocky Mountain District, the National Youth Department, and US Missions to serve as the Youth Alive Missionary to the Rocky Mountain District. Youth Alive Missionaries provide resources for churches to reach their local Middle School and High School campuses.

The Youth Alive mission encompasses the following four ministries to campuses: Campus Missionaries, Campus Clubs, Prayer Zone Partners, and the 7 Project which is school assemblies. Forrest has a proven track record of ministry in these areas. In the 2009 - 2010 school year he conducted 15 school assemblies in the Middle Schools and High Schools in Pueblo, CO. As a Youth Alive Missionary he will be able to provide training in campus ministry for Churches, Youth Leaders and Youth Groups. He will also be able to assist in the development of relationships with local school administrators to carry out assemblies and other campus ministry.

Forrest’s ministry will be funded like other missionaries from the support of churches and individuals. Please open your heart to this ministry and consider adding Forrest to your missionary support. Once he has secured 100% of his budget he will be able to engage in this vital ministry.


Since my last ebulletin I had the privilege of installing Albert Lopez as Pastor of The Lighthouse Worship Center in Walsenburg, CO on Sunday October 3rd. It was a joy to minister to this fine congregation and to get acquainted with Pastor Lopez. Welcome to the RMD, Albert!

October 7th and 8th I attended the District Secretary Treasurers conference in Springfield, MO. All Superintendents attend at least one of these conferences to be more fully informed of policies and procedures in credentialing, and resources available through the General Council. This is a great group of ministers serving our fellowship.

October 8 – 10 Loretta attended and spoke in two workshops at the Women’s Ministry Colorado retreat in Keystone, CO. Attendance was very strong. I appreciate Peggy Vawter and her leadership team in Women’s Ministries.

October 10th I filled the pulpit at Living Hope Church in Colorado Springs, pastored by Phil Steiger while he and Heather took a needed vacation. Each time I am present in this church I see new faces as the congregation continues to grow.

October 17th I installed Paul Aragon as the new Pastor of Restoration Church in Colorado Springs, CO. This growing church is now approaching 600 people in attendance. Paul asked me to recount the history of Radiant Church planting Restoration Church and then on Sunday, October 24th cast vision for the future of the church. It was exciting to reflect on what the Lord has done in the establishment of this church and hopefully stir faith for the future.

Loretta and I traveled to Park City, Utah for the UT Minister’s retreat October 22nd and 23rd led by Alex Lucero. The retreat provided fellowship, inspiration, and discussion focusing on church planting and development in UT. Specifically under church development the Apprenticeship Program for the development of Youth and Children’s ministers was rolled out. The program will begin in Salt Lake City in January with Keith Elder teaching the young people. Lee Terry has been formulating this ministry and a partnership with Utah pastors who share the same vision has developed to facilitate the work. As always it was great to be with our Utah ministers.

On October 24th I spoke at Christian Life AG in Payson, UT pastored by Mark Gering. Mark and Pam have ministered in Payson for about one year and are doing a great job leading this church.