Friday, March 4, 2011

Connections and Reflections


My last personal ebulletin was January 10, 2011. Since that time I have had the privilege of visiting Castlewood Canyon Church in Franktown, CO, and Pastor Jack and Lynnett Serr January 16th. We enjoyed a wonderful worship experience and the testimonies of many in the church sharing what God is doing. God bless you Jack and Lynnett as you continue to minister in the Franktown area.

On January 30th I ministered at Abundant Life Church in Silverthorne, CO. Abundant Life is in pastoral transition and the Elements AG pastoral team is providing interim pastoral leadership. Currently, we have several churches open and pray God will direct the leadership of His choosing to each church.

On January 31st we started our District Sectional Tour in Sterling, CO. It was a joy to connect with the majority of our ministers as we travelled throughout Colorado and Utah. Winter weather presented a challenge at times but we had good attendance and safe travel. In February one Sunday speaking engagement was cancelled due to weather and I had to cancel another one at the end of the month due to a sinus infection that sidelined me for a few days.

On February 20th I was honored to preach at Life Church in Salt Lake City, UT for Pastor Jim and Carrie Ayers. They are now conducting three Sunday a.m. services. Many have been coming into the Kingdom of God because of this exciting church.


I shared a message with those present at the sectional council meals on “Life-Giving Preaching” and would like to reiterate the ingredients in effective preaching.

Effective preaching informs the mind, stirs the heart, and motivates the will with God’s word. It changes lives for time and eternity, and it builds the church spiritually and numerically. Preaching is not the only ingredient in the life of a church, but it is a critical ingredient. “For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe.” 1 Corinthians 1:21. Life-giving preaching requires an authentic messenger, an impacting message, an effective delivery, and a compelling authority.

AN AUTHENTIC MESSENGER: An authentic or credible messenger is one who is a sincere follower of Jesus Christ, a student of God’s word, and a practitioner of God’s word. God spoke through a donkey once, but that does not mean He will speak through one again. In fact, the biblical qualifications for eldership in the church indicate that the credibility of the preacher is of great importance to God. People are not interested in hearing a message from someone who does not understand or practice what they preach.

This is not to say we must be perfect. Part of authenticity is openness regarding our humanity and continuing growth in Christ. But, that openness is expressed in the context of a mature life in Christ that provides an example to the flock of God and a good reputation to the world.

AN IMPACTING MESSAGE: An impacting message is biblical, logical, and Spirit-formed. The “foolishness” we preach is actually the wisdom of God which is regarded as foolishness by people who have not received the illumination of the Holy Spirit. “For the foolishness of God is wiser than man’s wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man’s strength.” 1 Corinthians 1:25. Biblical truth is accompanied by the work of the Holy Spirit and changes lives for time and eternity. We cannot find a more needed or important message than God’s Word.

Presenting a logical and Spirit-formed message is also critical to life-giving preaching. This is the product of concerted study, design, and prayer. By design I mean developing a logical presentation that people will understand and can apply to their lives. Prayer invokes the Holy Spirit’s participation in the design of the sermon.

AN EFFECTIVE DELIVERY: An effective delivery is heart-felt, contextualized, and natural. Jesus demonstrated every facet of life-giving preaching. His delivery was marked by the compassion he felt for the people and his identification with the people. He appealed to their sympathies and imagination by using illustrations from the culture of his day.

Another important ingredient in delivery is natural style. Effective preachers possess a wide range of personalities. Some are very demonstrative and others conversational. T. D. Jakes and Jack Hayford are polar opposites in style but both are very effective in their delivery. The key is to develop your natural style. God uses different personalities to minister to different people.

A COMPELLING AUTHORITY: A compelling authority is derived from God’s Word, position, wisdom, love, and righteous living. God’s Word has an authority all its own. It will not return void. Position, such as that of a pastor and credentialed minister carries a degree of authority. People also grant authority to speak into their lives to those who are wise and those who love them. Furthermore, righteous living or moral authority is necessary in the messenger, if we expect people to be interested in what we have to say. “The people were amazed at his (Jesus) teaching, because he taught them as one who had authority, not as the teachers of the law.” Mark 1:22

In the late 1800s George Matheson went to pastor in Edinburgh, Scotland. About six months after his arrival an elder in his church was calling on congregants and came to the home of an elderly widow who lived in a cellar. When he learned she had moved he searched the community and found her living in an attic room. He went to see her and when she invited him in he noted that the humble attic room was as clean, bright, and cheerful as the cellar had been dark, damp, and dirty. He said to her, “I see you have changed your home.” She responded by saying “Yes, you cannot hear George Matheson preach and live in a cellar”.

Effective preaching is life-giving. It changes lives for time and eternity, and it grows your church spiritually and numerically. “The disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it.” Mark 16:20. May God strengthen all of us in the art of Preaching the Word.