Thursday, August 25, 2011



We are engaged in a significant change in leadership in our district with the passing of Virgil Illum who served as our District Secretary Treasurer for the last 10 years. On August 24th the Presbytery acting on our District Bylaw provision for filling a vacancy in this office appointed Randy Popineau to serve as District Secretary Treasurer going forward. Randy accepted the appointment and will begin this fall after processing his resignation from Church at Briargate.

Since Randy Popineau was serving as our Assistant Superintendent the Presbytery in accordance with our Bylaws appointed Lee Ponder to serve as our Assistant Superintendent going forward. Congratulations Randy and Lee!

Since Lee Ponder was serving as our West Slope Executive Presbyter the Presbytery is charged with the responsibility of filling that vacancy as well. We plan to have the West Slope sections each nominate a candidate this fall and the Presbytery will select from those nominations in our January meeting 2012. When terms for each of these offices expire elections will take place at our district councils as usual.

Our Credential Advance Team has decided to delay our first Credential Seminar originally scheduled for November 2011 to 2012. We will continue the preceding credentialing process using mentors rather than the seminar for ordination candidates in the coming months. I want to encourage our licensed ministers to move forward into ordination. If you decide to do this now, please contact Kim Phillips (our Secretary Treasurer’s Administrative Assistant) at our District Office. She will provide you all the information needed. Applications for Ordination have to be in by October 14, 2011 to be included in the Ordination class at our District Council, April 24-26, 2012. The transition to a new Secretary Treasurer will not delay the credentialing process.


Some very significant decisions were made at General Council in August. Alton Garrison was returned to the office of General Council Assistant Superintendent, Jim Bradford was returned to the office of General Council Secretary, and Greg Mundis was elected to the office of Assemblies of God World Missions Executive Director. Also, the Council voted in favor of the consolidation of Central Bible College, Evangel University, and the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary. If you would like to view the services of the General Council, you can do so at


Sunday, August 14, 2011 Pastor Todd Hudnall and Radiant Church honored Gary and Nancy Lipich for 25 years of ministry on the Pastoral Team of Radiant Church. Congratulations Gray and Nancy; you are an inspiration to us all!


August 19 - 20 we conducted our first Rocky Mountain Ministries Conference at Pueblo Praise Assembly of God. We had an enriching time of mutual encouragement and ministry instruction with 265 people from over 47 churches registered. For those who could not attend we have audio recordings of several lecture sessions that will be posted on our district web site at I encourage you to consider these recorded sessions as a training or inspirational resource for leaders and workers in your church.


Howard and Betty Skinner are RMDC ministers living in Windsor, CO. They have written a book entitled “Secrets to Our Supernatural Walk with God”. From a lifetime of experience with God and Spirit directed ministry they provide insight and inspiration for followers of Christ, and ministers in particular. Thank you, Howard and Betty for this helpful and inspiring book. The book can be ordered from the publisher at