Thursday, October 13, 2011
The Denver Metro South Section met yesterday, October 12th to select a new Presbyter following the departure of Jon Hamp from that position. Paul Church, Pastor of Dakota Ridge Assembly in Littleton, CO was elected to this position and Gene Roncone was elected to take Paul’s place as a Sectional Committee Man. Thank you, Paul and Gene.
One of the most enjoyable aspects (normally enjoyable) of serving as Superintendent is the opportunity to connect with our Pastors and churches sometimes to minister and sometimes to simply be present to encourage and support. In my three and one half years I have been able to worship and often minister in over 75 of our churches on the weekends.
On August 28th my responsibilities took me into a heartbreaking church scenario as I met with a pastor who confessed to a moral failure and then participated in a meeting with the leaders of the church where he confessed to them. Thankfully God is at work in the life of this minister and the church.
On September 4th I ministered together with Fran Vernaza (interim Pastor) at Discovery Church in Parker CO. Discovery Church is one of our open churches. The church was planted two years ago by Jon and Angie Hamp and God has done wonderful things in the short life of this church. Raising up new churches is challenging and I appreciate Jon and Angie’s work.
On September 8th Loretta and I visited Dave and Hope Taylor and their counseling ministry at Ranch of Hope near West Cliff, CO. They have a very effective ministry to couples and families that serves people in our district and from other parts of the nation as well. They are a terrific resource to help marriages in trouble.
On September 11th I ministered at Lighthouse Worship Center in Walsenburg, CO. Albert Lopez has been serving as Pastor for about one year and the church is doing very well. God bless you Albert.
On September 15 our Executive Presbytery met in Delta, CO to conduct the business of the district. Then we met at Camp Cedaredge on the 16th to receive an update from Lee Terry on the camp. The camping ministry we are able to provide through this facility is serving our district and other organizations very effectively. The facilities and grounds are in great shape with many improvements made during the course of this year. RV Maps workers have made a great contribution to the improvements throughout the summer.
The internship program Lee instituted is working very well and provides several young people with training for ministry and hands on experience in the operation of the camp. This program has proven to also be a great advantage financially. In addition to the benefit of the internship program is the addition of several new clients enabling the camp to operate in the black even with the many improvements that have been made. Churches in the area have also contributed money and workers in the effort.
Lee and Renae have done a great job administering the camp and have done so without interruption to Lee’s work as our DYD. Thanks Lee and Renae.
On September 18th Loretta and I visited Abundant Life Community Church in Arvada, CO. Pastor Dyran Deer is doing a great job leading this church forward. Thank you
Dyran and Lesli for your ministry.
On September 21st our Department Leaders met via phone conference and reviewed the Rocky Mountain Ministries Conference held Friday and Saturday, August 19-20 at Praise AG in Pueblo, CO. Because of the success of this first conference it was decided to present a conference next year as well.
Pastor Ted Miller and Victory Life Church in Fruita, CO have graciously agreed to host our next Rocky Mountain Ministries Conference August 24-25, 2012. The conference will be designed to conclude mid afternoon Saturday allowing participants to rejoin their home church Sunday morning. Our hope is that presenting this on the West Slope of CO will make this resource available to congregants who could not attend the event this year due to distance.
On Friday September 23th I had the privilege of meeting with Herminio Gonzales the Secretary Treasurer of the AG in Cuba. It was humbling and inspiring to hear his story of imprisonment for Christ and his faithfulness through persecution. The AG church in Cuba is flourishing!
On September 25th I ministered at Church at Briargate in Colorado Springs, CO following the resignation of Pastor Randy Popineau. Randy is the founding pastor and led this church for 11 years before accepting the position of District Secretary Treasurer. This church was planted out of Radiant Church when Rob Cowles was Pastor and has done very well. Randy and Joan we appreciate the work you have done to raise up another church for Christ in CO. Randy is now fully engaged as our District Secretary Treasurer.
Sunday evening September 25th through Wednesday morning the 28th Loretta and I hosted the District Superintendent’s from the Southwest Region of our nation at the Glen Eyrie retreat center in Colorado Springs, CO. The retreat was enjoyable and enriching as we fellowshipped and learned from one another.
On October 2nd we worshipped in our home church, Living Hope Church in Colorado Springs, CO. It is always great to join the worship of this fine church and take in the preaching of Pastor Phil Steiger (no prejudice here).
October 7-8 I joined Loretta in Keystone, CO as she attended the Colorado Women’s Ministry Retreat. The attendance was very good and the ministry exceptional. Thanks to Peggy and her team for their fine leadership.
On October 9th I had the privilege of ministering at Abundant Life Church in Silverthorne, CO and installing Jeff McElhattan as their Pastor. Jeff and Cheryl are already deeply engaged with the community having led the Elements church plant in the area. Several unchurched friends of Jeff were present and the service was designed with them in mind.
Elements Church is going forward under the leadership of Leila Ojala. I met with Eric Ojala while in Keystone and I believe God has orchestrated the development of Jeff pastoring Abundant Life, and the Ojala’s and their team moving forward with Elements. These two churches will be able to reach out to two different demographics of people. It is a blessing to see the mutually supportive and complimentary relationship these two churches have.
Congratulations to Eric and Lelia Ojala on the birth of Aspen. Aspen is a beautiful healthy girl.
On October 18th I met with the ministers of the Denver Metro South Section to elect a new Presbyter. We followed the business with lunch together and it was exciting to hear the reports of what God is doing in South Denver.
Lynn Wickstrom has a serious infection that has settled in his eye. Please pray for Lynn’s healing and for Becky as she administers constant care and is vulnerable to infection.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
We are nearing the Thanksgiving holiday and it causes me to reflect on all I am thankful for. Life is so imperfect there are always things to complain about. However, God has given good gifts to us all and a focus on gratitude is good for the soul and energizing to ministry.
Acts 16 gives us the account of Paul and Silas being unjustly beaten and thrown into prison at Philippi. In prison “About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them.” (Acts 16:25). “About midnight” refers to the literal time of day, but the context makes that statement rich with spiritual meaning. At a very dark hour in their lives they prayed and worshipped. They were able to see beyond their immediate circumstances and reach up to their transcendent God.
God then produced a violent earthquake that caused the prison doors to fly open and everybody’s chains to come loose. As a result of those dramatic events the jailer and his household listened to Paul and Silas share the message of Christ and placed their faith in Him. In turn the jailer ministered to Paul and Silas by washing their wounds and providing a meal.
I wonder how different that midnight experience would have been for Paul and Silas if they had chosen to obsess on the injustice and pain instead of focusing on God. It would have been common fare for the prisoners to hear them speak of how unjustly they were treated and how angry they were with the perpetrators. A litany of complaints would have fit right in with a worldly perspective. But Paul and Silas were not your ordinary victims of hardship. They were men of faith and divine perspective so they prayed and worshipped. And the prisoners were listening to them. People can’t help but notice the uncommon person who lives with a faith-filled and grateful attitude.
Paul and Silas tapped into the abiding presence of Christ and in so doing received the help they needed from God and ended up ministering effectively to others. Prayer and worship is a good antidote to difficulties. I think the prayer part comes easily as we unburden our hearts with the needs we are facing. The worship part, however, may be overlooked. It requires us to focus on who God is and all He has done for us. It requires a grateful heart.
When I was growing up my church would often sing “count your blessings name them one by one”. That’s good advice for us all
Acts 16 gives us the account of Paul and Silas being unjustly beaten and thrown into prison at Philippi. In prison “About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them.” (Acts 16:25). “About midnight” refers to the literal time of day, but the context makes that statement rich with spiritual meaning. At a very dark hour in their lives they prayed and worshipped. They were able to see beyond their immediate circumstances and reach up to their transcendent God.
God then produced a violent earthquake that caused the prison doors to fly open and everybody’s chains to come loose. As a result of those dramatic events the jailer and his household listened to Paul and Silas share the message of Christ and placed their faith in Him. In turn the jailer ministered to Paul and Silas by washing their wounds and providing a meal.
I wonder how different that midnight experience would have been for Paul and Silas if they had chosen to obsess on the injustice and pain instead of focusing on God. It would have been common fare for the prisoners to hear them speak of how unjustly they were treated and how angry they were with the perpetrators. A litany of complaints would have fit right in with a worldly perspective. But Paul and Silas were not your ordinary victims of hardship. They were men of faith and divine perspective so they prayed and worshipped. And the prisoners were listening to them. People can’t help but notice the uncommon person who lives with a faith-filled and grateful attitude.
Paul and Silas tapped into the abiding presence of Christ and in so doing received the help they needed from God and ended up ministering effectively to others. Prayer and worship is a good antidote to difficulties. I think the prayer part comes easily as we unburden our hearts with the needs we are facing. The worship part, however, may be overlooked. It requires us to focus on who God is and all He has done for us. It requires a grateful heart.
When I was growing up my church would often sing “count your blessings name them one by one”. That’s good advice for us all
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