Tuesday, December 18, 2012



Words cannot express the sorrow and anger we feel at the senseless shootings of 20 children and 8 adults last Friday.  Our prayers are offered on behalf of all the families suffering from the loss of a loved one.  The normal joyous nature of Christmas is muted by this horrific demonstration of the evil that can prevail in the human heart.  At the same time Christmas is a dramatic reminder that “The people walking in darkness have seen a great light, on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.” Isaiah 9:2.  The God of Hope has provided a remedy for the sin nature and the devastating eternal consequences of sin through His Son, Jesus Christ.

“Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!” 2 Corinthians 9:15.


November 11th Loretta and I attended the memorial service for Pastor Wally Hickey at Orchard Road Christian Center.  His influence as a godly man and minister of the gospel was evident in the large attendance and heart-felt love expressed.  It reminded me how important and valuable it is to faithfully carry out the call of God on one’s life.

November 13 and 14 our district department leaders gathered together with me and Randy Popineau to plan the district calendars for 2013 and 2014.  We have fine, dedicated leaders who are intent on serving the ministers and churches of our district.

On November 16th I attended the open house at Sox Place in Denver.  This is a very effective ministry led by Doyle Robinson reaching street kids in downtown Denver.  God bless you Doyle and Karen as you continue this strategic work.

November 18th I was honored to speak at Mosaic Church (formerly called Englewood First Assembly of God) for Pastor T. J. Harris.  The church now has two Sunday morning services as it continues to grow.  Compassion ministry is a dynamic feature of this church as it reaches out to a needy community.  They recently provided a Kid’s Fest for the community providing free food and entertainment.  About 1,000 people attended.  One elderly congregant led a family to the Lord at this event. Afterward she told Pastor Harris, “Now I remember why we are here.”  God bless you T. J. and Robin.

November 29th – December 9th Loretta and I traveled to Maui, Hawaii for a CEP (Church Extension Plan) board meeting followed by the annual AG Executives Conference followed by a few days of R & R.  I know; tough duty.  FYI - CEP pays for the airfare to these meetings for both Loretta and me.

December 14th Loretta and I, and Randy and Joan Popineau attended the Urban Outreach open house in Denver, CO.  The facility is perfectly located and beautifully renovated to provide a base of ministry to inner city Denver.  Several outreach events have already impacted the community and relationships are being formed.  God bless you Isaac Olivarez as you lead this needed church plant, and thanks to so many of you for supporting this ministry with funds and work teams.

Sunday morning, December 16th, it was my privilege to minister at CrossPoint Church in Grand Junction, CO and officially recognize CrossPoint as a General Council Church.  Congratulations Pastor Greg and Darla Farmer on the establishment of this church and may God use this ministry in a powerful way in the Grand Valley of CO.

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and Cheering you on.

Thursday, November 15, 2012


While meeting with Superintendents from the Southwest Region in Sedona, AZ in late September, I played a round of golf with three other Superintendents.  Thankfully, some of our gatherings include recreation.  The starter at this beautiful golf course is a member of the AG church there and had arranged for our round of golf.  His name was Rolf and when I introduced myself to him on the first tee he said “there was a Don Steiger in Colorado Springs, CO”.  I said, “that would be me”.  I then looked at his name tag and we realized simultaneously I had been his pastor at Radiant Church in Colorado Springs.  It was a poignant moment as we gave each other a bear hug and caught up on personal events of the last few years.  He then said, “I thought you were deceased”.

Though his comment caught me off guard, I assured him that report had been exaggerated.  As we started the round of golf, I could not help but think of the meaning of being considered deceased.  What kind of influence did I have on Rolf and his family, had I lived my life pleasing to God, had I obeyed His plan to serve Him, did people who knew me get a glimpse of the Savior, are there people who will be in heaven because I spent a few years on this earth, did I care for and influence my wife, and children as I should have,…?  It brought what is most important clearly into focus.

You have heard it said, “there are two things that are certain in life; taxes and death”.  Though I do not think we should obsess on death, it is healthy to live with an eye on eternity.  The desire to hear our Lord say, “Well done, good and faithful servant” helps shape dally decisions.  Earnestly seeking to leave a legacy of respect and righteous influence for our children will keep us focused on godly living.  The realization we will be eternally rewarded for our faithful service to the Lord helps us stay the course in God’s will.

We are writing history every day and looking back can help clarify how to go forward.  I am not suggesting we live in the past.  Doing so will hold us back.  Resting on our laurels or living in regret will paralyze us going forward.  Learn from your past, thank God for the good things, and accept His forgiveness for your sins and failures.  Then focus on today and the days ahead intent on the wise plan of God.  “…I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.  Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it.  But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:12b-14).

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


The election is over and I am disappointed in the outcome.  Two states legalizing recreational marijuana, two states legalizing gay marriage by popular vote, a President elect who endorses abortion on demand, gay marriage, widening separation from Israel, encroachment on the freedom of the church, massive federal deficits and debt…  BUT, God is still God and our hope is in Him.  Furthermore, the church remains His agent in this world to bring the life-giving message of the gospel and the wisdom of His word to bear on hurting humanity.  May we trust God, earnestly seek Him, live in His truth, love all people, do His work, and pray for a transforming spiritual renewal in our nation.

While we are at it, let’s pray for our leaders “I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone – for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.  This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.” (1 Timothy 2:1-2). 

I am not quick to assign natural disasters and human events to the judgment of God.  Though His providence is always at work it often requires hindsight for us to understand what He is doing in the affairs of humanity.  Time will tell whether our political leadership and the growing secularism in our society will be an instrument of God to bring our nation rapidly to its knees, or if there will be a prolonged season of overall perceived well-being while the “frog in the kettle” (our population) slowly adjusts to the slow death-inducing rise in the temperature of evil.

In any event let’s pray that God will sweep over our nation drawing vast numbers to Him and in the process transform the spiritual, moral, and economic climate.  Whatever happens around us may we faithfully walk with God and live in the hope He provides.  You are the light of the world and the darker the night the brighter the light.  The joy of the Lord is our strength!


Pastor Bob and Michaelene Wilson and Plateau Valley Assembly of God, Colbran, CO were recently included in a “Hunger in America” documentary for their significant work providing food for needy people in the Colbran area.  Bob was also asked to serve as a panelist at a gathering of Foundations that seek to address this need in southwestern states.  God bless you Bob and Plateau AG for providing this compassion ministry in your community.

I had lunch with our lead pastors in the Northeast Section, Saturday, October 20th in Sterling, CO.  We have fine leaders in this section and I thank God for each one.  God bless these men and their wives as they minister to people in northeastern CO.

On Sunday, October 21st it was my privilege to minister at Bethel Assembly of God in Burlington, CO for Pastor Joe and Sherilyn Berry.  Also, Loretta spoke at a women’s gathering at the church Saturday evening.  Farmers were harvesting corn at the time so some of the congregation was engaged in that essential work.  Still there was good attendance and the health of the church was evident.  God bless you, Joe and Sherilyn as you lead this church and serve as Presbyter for the NE section.

Lee Terry, our DYD conducted one day regional Youth Conventions Friday, October 19th at Dakota Ridge Assembly in Littleton, CO, and Sunday evening, October 21st at Life Church in Salt Lake City, UT.  Participation was excellent with 205 in attendance in eastern CO and 185 in UT. 

On Sunday, October 28th Olathe AG in Olathe, CO honored Pastor Cordell and Erin Hines for 20 years of pastoral ministry.  Congratulations Cordell and Erin!  Only eternity will reveal the full impact of your lives and ministry in the Olathe area.

On the 28th Loretta and I visited The Worship Center at Brighton, CO on the occasion of their 35th anniversary.  In 1977 Pastor Frank Schindler planted this church and it is exciting to think of all the people whose lives have been changed by God through the ministry of this church.  God bless you Pastor Robert T. and Anayansi Schlipp as you lead this church forward in this growing area of the Denver metroplex.

Sunday evening the 28th Abundant Life Community Church in Arvada, CO voted Tim Rosenow in as their new Lead Pastor.  Tim served as an Associate Pastor at ALCC prior to this time.  Congratulations Tim and Bethany, and may God bless your leadership of ALCC going forward!

On Wednesday, October 31st I met with Shiloh and Kimberly Jessop, newly appointed Missionary Associates going to the Philippines.  They will be working with Teen Challenge first in an established center and later developing another center to minister to trafficked girls.  Please keep your heart and church open to our missionaries.  They need our support to fulfill God’s call.

Shiloh and Kimberly have an extraordinary story.  Shiloh grew up in a Mormon polygamist family with two moms and 13 siblings.  He came to Christ through Christian radio and began attending Christian Life Assembly in Payson, UT under Mark Gering’s ministry.  He and Kimberly met later through Coram Deo Church, Pastor David Nicholson.  Kimberly, a graduate of Bethany University, came to Coram Deo to do missionary work among Mormon people.  I thank God for His hand on this young couple and their devotion to the Lord Jesus Christ. 

On November 2nd and 3rd Loretta and I attended the Utah Ministers retreat in Park City, UT.  Alex Lucero, Sid Casillas, and Dane Wead planned a fun and enriching experience for all who came.  God is doing great things in UT.  New PAC churches have emerged in the last year and churches are growing as the Kingdom of God advances in UT.  I thank God for every minister working in UT and pray for an ever increasing harvest of souls.

Saturday evening, November 3rd we attended the Youth Convention service for the west slope of CO in Delta.  Dustin Williams, Youth Pastor at Life Church in Salt Lake City, UT shared a powerful message on living without regrets.  It was exciting to see so many young people seeking to live a life devoted to God without regrets.  Thanks Lee Terry for making these meaningful events available.

Sunday morning, November 4th we visited Crossroads Victory Worship Center in Montrose, CO.  This was the final Sunday of their Missions Convention.  Pastor Chris and Debbie Peterson are effectively leading this church forward with a vision to reach Montrose and the world. 

As part of their vision they are nearing completion of a large all-purpose building which will allow them to expand their ministry to the church and community.  The new building will cost about $600,000 and they are paying for it debt free.  Their goal is to see one soul saved for every dollar spent on the building.  This includes the harvest that is coming from Crossroads Victory Worship Center in Montrose (6 new souls in the last week), the new work they helped in Dove Creek pastored by Buddy Bishop (5 new souls in recent days), and the missionaries they support around the world (80,000 new souls in recent days).  How about that!

Thursday, October 18, 2012




September 21-22 Loretta attended the Utah District Women’s Ministry retreat and shared in one of the workshops.  Attendance was excellent and the ministry enriching.  Peggy Vawter and her leadership team did a great job leading this retreat.

September 23rd I had the privilege of sharing in the dedication of the new building for High Point Church.  Due to the economic difficulties of recent years the completion of this building was delayed so it was a joyous experience to see the results of the Lord’s provision.  The building is beautiful and located in a strategic area of growth in Aurora, CO.  In the few weeks the church has occupied the building there has been a significant increase in attendance.  Congratulations Pastor Gene and Rhonda Roncone, and High Point Church.  May the Lord continue to use you and High Point Church to reach an ever increasing number of people.

September 27-28 Loretta and I travelled to Southwestern Assemblies of God University (SAGU) to meet with students from the RMD.  I also had the privilege of speaking in the Chapel service on the 28th.  If you are interested, the chapel services are video recorded and can be seen on the SAGU web site at www.sagu.edu under sagutv.  We have a great group of young people at SAGU receiving an excellent education.  As I am writing this ebulletin Randy Popineau and James Naron are at SAGU sharing credentialing information with our RMD kids and any others interested.  I thank God for those He is calling into vocational ministry.

September 30th Loretta and I visited Restoration Church in Fountain, CO.  Our 11 year old grand-daughter, Maddy, was playing the keyboard for worship that morning, and we couldn’t miss that.  Every few weeks Pastor Paul Aragon has a children’s worship team (they have more than one) lead worship in the adult services.  Normally they lead worship in children’s church.  What a joy to experience children leading adults in worship and doing so with proficiency.

On October 3rd the board of Northland Community Church in Monument, CO approved the launch of a PAC in Aurora, CO under the leadership of Pastor Craig Schroetlin.  Craig has a core team of about 25 people and a unique vision for ministry.  “The Gathering” won’t be a house church per-say, but will have many of the characteristics of a house church.  Craig and Dina are experienced church planters and have been a great help in the establishment of Northland Community Church under Jerry Cassell’s leadership.  God bless you Craig and Dina in your important work in the Kingdom of God.

On October 7th Mesa Trails Cowboy Church in Mancos, CO launched under the leadership of Pastor Paul and Rebekah Houston.  Seventy five people were in attendance and one couple gave their hearts to the Lord.  May God use the Houstons and this church for His glory and for the sake of people in the Mancos area.

The Colorado District Women’s Retreat was conducted October 5-7 at Keystone, CO.  As in Utah the attendance was excellent.  I accompanied Loretta on this weekend and took in portions of the services.  Loretta spoke in one of the workshops, as well.  Thanks Peggy Vawter and your leadership team for providing these meaningful venues of ministry for the women in our churches.

On October 7th Loretta and I visited Altitude Church in Leadville, CO.  Pastor Cody and Amy Hall are doing a great job leading this new church.  There were between 35 and 40 people in attendance after about one year of ministry in this community.  Several churches and District WM teams worked to refurbish the interior of the building and it is a beautiful and inviting house of worship.  God bless you
Cody and Amy!

October 8-13 I took Loretta on a vacation to the gulf coast.  I did not see a single RMD minister or congregant there, but we had a good time anyway.

October 14th it was my honor to participate in a service of dedication with Pastor Bob and Sherilyn Cook and the congregation of Victory Life Church in Fruita, CO.  Jim and Carrie Ayers, Dary and Bonnie Northrup, Travis and Linnea Lowell, Lee and Regina Schultz (Dary’s mother), and Rita Ponder (Lee was travelling) were present to participate in the dedication of various segments of the church. 

It was an anointed and exciting time of consecration as Bob and Sherilyn, and the entire church dedicated themselves to God and the work of His Kingdom.  Also, Josh and Sara Jane Cook have moved from Florida to serve on the staff of VLC and we welcome them back to the RMD.


I asked Bob if I could share with you the public commitment he made to Victory Life Church and he graciously consented.  May it energize our commitment to effective ministry.

Statement of Commitment to VLC

October 14, 2012

                The invitation extended to Sherilyn and me on Sunday night, July 29, 2012 – 11 weeks ago – was a tremendous honor that neither of us take lightly. You have blessed us greatly by asking us to serve as your Senior Pastor.

                We commit to you that we will serve you to the very best of our abilities, as God helps us, for as long as you and the Lord see fit.

                I commit to Victory Life Church that:

·         I will be diligent in continuing to cultivate my walk with God; I will be a man of prayer that seeks God’s face earnestly each day. I will read His Word and feed on it so that my own soul can stay nourished before I ever stand to preach that same Word.

·         I will pray for God’s Spirit to anoint my life and ministry. May the good things that come from my life be indeed “not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord.” I will study diligently, prepare carefully, then believe God for His anointing upon my preaching and teaching.

·         I will stay faithful to my beautiful wife of 42+ years. I will endeavor to be the kind of husband that can serve effectively as a model of how a husband should treat his wife.

·         I will ask God continually to help me be the father and grandfather that my children and grandchildren need. May the legacy I give them be one that includes steadfastness in faith and love and loyalty to family.

·         I will attempt to follow the instructions given by Peter in his New Testament letter – I will be a shepherd to this flock not because I must, but because I am willing, as God wants me to be; not greedy for money, but eager to serve; and not lording it over those entrusted to me, but rather serving as an example to the flock. (I Peter 5:2-3)

·         When I make mistakes or lead in an insensitive way, I will be quick to repent. I ask that you be gracious and willing to forgive me when I fail. Please know that I desire to represent my Lord Jesus Christ as best as I possibly can. But I do have “feet of clay,” and will surely not be able to serve as a perfect pastor. But I desire to be the best pastor I can possibly be.

·         I will cry out to God every day for His wisdom as I lead you. I will not rely upon my own strength, intelligence, or experience. I will seek to hear His voice as I lead you. But I also know that at times God will choose to speak to me through you. I desire to be a good listener.


Please pray for me on a daily basis. Our challenges as a local church are huge, but we serve an awesome God who will build His Church!!

This is my commitment to you on this 14th day of October, 2012. May God keep His hand upon us all.

George Robert Cook Jr.


Tuesday, October 2, 2012



August 24-25 we conducted the Rocky Mountain Ministries Conference on the West Slope of Colorado at Victory Life Church in Fruita, CO.  One hundred ninety five (195) ministry leaders and workers from 39 churches attended.  It was an exciting event with helpful workshops and encouraging interaction.  Most of the workshop audio recordings are now posted on our district web site at www.rmdc.org.  You may find these workshops helpful for your workers and I encourage you to check them out.

I want to thank all our district department leaders and workshop presenters for making this a beneficial conference for every church involved.  Also, thanks to Victory Life Church, outgoing Pastor Ted Miller, and incoming Pastor Bob Cook for hosting this conference.


On Sunday, August 26th Loretta and I visited Steamboat Christian Center in Steamboat, CO.  Pastor Troy Lewis is doing a great job leading this church.  The church has Saturday night and Sunday morning services.  The sanctuary was packed Sunday morning when we were present.  The atmosphere of the church was joyous, exciting, and faith-filled.  With several hundred people coming and a clear vision for future ministry they are in the stewardship phase of preparations to build additional facilities.  God bless you Pastor Troy and Julie Lewis.

Wednesday night, August 29th Loretta and I attended the water baptism of two of our grandchildren at Restoration Church in Fountain, CO.  As you might imagine we are thankful for the faith of our grandchildren and for a healthy thriving church ministering to their young hearts.  Thirty seven people were baptized that night and now over 100 people have been baptized in 2012 at Restoration Church!  God bless you Pastor Paul and Melanie Aragon as you continue to lead this dynamic church.


Sunday, September 9th Loretta and I attended the opening service of Connection Church in Highlands Ranch, Colorado.  Pastor Shawn Reine is the founding campus pastor of this new work.  Shawn most recently served as Youth Pastor at Dakota Ridge Assembly with Pastor Paul Church and has a great heart for the Denver area.  Connection Church is a Parent Affiliated Church of Crossroads Church in Lafayette, Louisiana a large church where Shawn served as Youth Pastor in years past. 

This church plant is the product of cooperation between the Louisiana District, the Rocky Mountain District, Dakota Ridge Assembly, and Crossroads Church.  Pastor Paul Church and Dakota Ridge Assembly in Littleton, CO have been instrumental in blessing and releasing the establishment of this church.  There were 157 people in attendance and 4 salvations at the launch service.  God bless you Shawn and Amy as you establish this needed church.

I spoke with Buddy Bishop in early September.  Buddy and Cecily started a new church in Dove Creek, CO about three months ago using the facilities of the church we closed a few years ago.  This marks a new beginning of ministry in the Dove Creek area.  Crossroads Victory Worship Center under the leadership of Pastor Chris Peterson provided a team to help prepare the building for the launch of this church. 

Buddy has knocked on half the doors in Dove Creek to date (a community of 800 people) and there are 25 to 30 people now attending this new church.  Buddy’s goal is to establish a viable flourishing church and locate a young pastor called by God to come and lead the church into sustained effective ministry.  In the long history of Assemblies of God ministry in Dove Creek, prior to closing the previous church, many came to Christ and several were called into ministry.  God bless you, Pastor Buddy and Cecily in this important work.

So far in 2012 eleven new churches have been set in order in the Rocky Mountain District (RMD).  Ten of those are Parent Affiliated Churches (PACs).  Two have been in existence as satellite ministries for a few years, and one is an independent church in Washington, UT coming into the AG as a PAC of Westview Christian Center, Cedar City, UT under the Pastoral leadership of Gerald Van Iwaarden.  The other PACs have been established in the last one to three years and chartered this year.  A quick calculation indicates there are well over one thousand people in attendance in these new churches already – PTL!

In addition we have partnered with two other districts to see the establishment of two churches in the geographical region of the RMD; they will technically be part of other districts but in fellowship and partnership with the RMD.  They are Urban Outreach Denver, inner city Denver, CO, Pastor Isaac Olivarez, Central District and Connections Church, Highlands Ranch, CO, Pastor Shawn Reine, Louisiana District.

We anticipate setting in order a new church in Mancos, CO under the leadership of Pastor Paul Houston soon and there are other satellites under way that may become PACs in the future.  I thank God for each new church.  Churches planting churches is the best way to start and sustain churches.  The PAC concept opens the door wider for pastors and churches to prayerfully consider reaching more people for Christ by establishing multiple campus churches.

Our Executive Presbytery meets this week, September 13-14 in Delta CO.  We have a great team serving on this executive board.  We will visit Camp Cedaredge, and Director Lee Terry and Renae Terry who provides excellent administration for the camp.  Camp Cedaredge is thriving in ministry and financial viability.  We will also visit House of Promise and Director Vicki Proffit.  House of Promise is an arm of Teen Challenge with an outstanding ministry to single moms in need.  Thank you, Lee, Renae, and Vicki for your leadership in these ministries.


Ken Summers is the Executive Director of Teen Challenge Rocky Mountains.  May God continue to bless and use all three Teen Challenge centers – 180 Ministries men’s center in Denver, CO, New Hope House for teen age girls in Toele, Utah, and House of Promise for single moms in Olathe, CO.  You can learn more about these strategic ministries at teenchallengerockymountains.com.

September 15-19 Loretta and I travel to Sedona, AZ for our annual Southwest Region Superintendents meeting.  It is refreshing and instructive to spend time with these leaders.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


The election season is in full swing and our nation is divided morally and philosophically.  As we embrace the values of scripture we find ourselves seeking to discern an appropriate pastoral response to the upcoming election.  Here are some thoughts for pastors.

First of all, guard your relationship with God and your ministry.  Seek to disciple as many as possible to the Lord Jesus Christ.  Remain intent on biblical truth and the Holy Spirit’s wisdom in the presentation of that truth.  In our pluralistic society pastors are under pressure to bend, twist, and edit the scriptures to embrace popular moral and spiritual perceptions.  In our civic life democracy is a valued system, but eternal truth is not subject to alteration depending on the whims of the majority, focus groups, or celebrated cultural icons.

I have often encountered the idea that if pastors were doing their job the world would not be in the bad shape it is in today.  I reject that theory.  Sure pastors sometimes fail in their responsibilities, but most are faithfully proclaiming biblical truth in word and deed.  The fact is people decide what they will do with the gospel and we are in a season when many in our nation are willfully rejecting the claims of Jesus Christ.  Thankfully many others will repent and believe the gospel.  So, remain faithful to the main thing – proclaiming the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Second, influence the world with biblical principles. Do so in a manner that is in harmony with God’s call on your life and the opportunities you have.  As a pastor I often experienced internal tension when trying to determine an appropriate response to political pressure exerted against biblical truth in society.  At one point I wrote a personal position paper on the matter to establish a guiding influence on my actions and inactions as a pastor.  Probably like you I had some congregants who wanted to turn the church into a political machine that would obscure our primary message.  There were others who wanted no mention of the state of our social-political world from the pulpit.  Then there were non-Christian voices who demanded the church remain silent on social-political issues.  Defining a biblical way forward is important.

We are here first of all to make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.  However, there is more to the story.  In addition, our influence should make the world a better place in general.  “And now you know what is holding him (the man of lawlessness) back, so that he may be revealed at the proper time.  For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way.” (2 Thessalonians 2:6-7).  When the church is taken out of this world evil will be unrestrained.

The presence of Christ-followers in and of itself influences the world in positive ways.  In addition, appropriate actions Christians take can have a godly influence on society.  One thing all God’s people in America can do to restrain evil that is perpetuated by misguided political policies is to vote.  I encourage all our pastors to urge congregants to vote and consider making voter registration available in their churches. 

Also, I think it is important for pastors to preach biblical messages related to the moral and spiritual issues of the day.  While you in the role of pastor cannot legally endorse candidates, you can arm people with biblical truth related to moral and spiritual issues.  A candidate’s stand on abortion, sexual morality, helping the powerless, and financial stewardship of public funds are among the moral concerns bible believing people should have when they go to the polls.  There will never be perfect candidates but we can make wise choices that reflect biblical principles.

Powerful voices are redefining good and evil.  “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.” (Isaiah 5:20).  But, the church is “the pillar and foundation of the truth” (1 Timothy 3:15b) and our voice should reflect God’s word.  “You are the salt of the earth.  But if the salt loses its saltiness how can it be made salty again?  It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled by men.  You are the light of the world.  A city on a hill cannot be hidden.  Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl.  Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.  In the same way, let your light shine before men that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:13-15).

In broad terms bringing God’s kingdom to bear on the kingdoms of this world is our task.  Jesus taught us to pray “your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven”.  Leading our churches in prayer for our political leaders (1 Timothy 2:1-4), and our nation (2 Chronicles 7:14) is essential.  Some are setting aside a few moments each day at 7:14 a.m. or p.m. to pray for our nation.

Also, followers of Christ being salt and light throughout our culture (in business, the arts, politics, the judicial system, education, the military, etc.) is part of God’s plan of penetrating the kingdoms of this world with the kingdom of God and the life giving message of Jesus Christ.  As pastors may we disciple people in Christ and prepare them to be the Christ-like influence God wants them to be in this suffering world.

God bless you in your vital work for Jesus Christ.


On July 29nd Loretta and I visited Bethel Assembly of God in Grand Junction, CO pastored by David and Carolyn Huslig.  This is a strong church making an impact in Grand Junction.  God bless you David and Carolyn.

The evening of the 29th I chaired the business meeting at Victory Life Church in Fruita, CO in which Bob Cook was elected the Lead Pastor with a 98%  vote.  Welcome back to the RMDC Bob and Sherilyn!

August 3rd I traveled to Louisville, KY for Superintendents and General Presbyter meetings.  The meetings were marked by a significant season of prayer.  It was exciting to witness the thousands of young people there for the Fine Arts Convention as well.

On August 12th Loretta and I worshipped with the wonderful people of Living Hope Church in Colorado Springs.

On August 13th I met with a minister who confessed a moral failure and turned in his credentials.  I normally don’t mention the difficulties we deal with in these connection updates, but this is a dramatic reminder of how important it is to maintain integrity in our personal lives.  We are working to help him going forward, but his ministry is suspended because of this.  May each of us carefully guard our hearts.

August 19th it was my privilege to speak at First Assembly of God in Cortez, CO.  Pastor Paul Houston resigned from the Cortez church and will be starting a new cowboy church in Mancos, CO.  We closed our church in Mancos a couple years ago with the desire to see a new work start in the future.  Cortez First AG is in transition and Ted Britain will be serving as the interim pastor.  God bless Cortez First AG and the emerging Mancos Cowboy Church.  And, may God bless the ministries of Paul and Rebekah Houston, and Ted and La Dell Britain.

On August 21st I had lunch with Glen and Nancy Garrison, missionaries to the Philippines.  It was so good to hear what God is doing through their strategic ministries.  I thank God for our missionaries.

Cheering you on,

Don Steiger


Thursday, July 26, 2012


Friday, July 20th began with a horrific and senseless shooting in an Aurora, Colorado theater.  As you know by now 12 people were killed and 58 injured.  Some of the young people present were from High Point Church in Aurora and we are thankful none were injured.  Several kids from Calvary Chapel in Aurora were also present and as I understand it escaped injury.  This is not to say that all Christians in the theater were spared.  In deed God’s people suffer along with the rest of creation and our hearts break when we see the suffering caused by criminal, sinful behavior.

So many emotions and thoughts flood our hearts and minds at a time like this.  Add to that the tragic wild fires in Colorado and Utah which brought the loss of three human lives and the loss of homes for hundreds of families and we come face to face with the fragility of life, the corruption in the human heart, and the curse under which our world labors.

Questions are asked no one can answer and loss is experienced no one can replace.  The ultimate source of help is the Savior who entered human suffering, gave His life to redeem us eternally from the travail of this sin-cursed world, and is present to heal the broken hearted.  May Christ’s presence in each of us individually and His church collectively provide the healing and hope so desperately needed in a hurting world.

May we pray for our pastors and churches at the vortex of these recent tragedies that God will use them to minister help and healing.  And, may we pray for all who are impacted by these dramatic and painful events.


On June 19th I participated in the funeral of Ethel Brandt, and on June 21st Randy Popineau attended the funeral of Imageen Jeffcoat.  I thank God for these wonderful women who served God faithfully in Colorado and Utah.

On June 21st I conducted a Denver Metro North Sectional business meeting in which Doyle Robinson was chosen to serve as Presbyter going forward.  God bless you, Doyle.

On July 1st I had the privilege of installing Matthew Woodroof as the new pastor of First AG in Moab, Utah.  Welcome, Matt and Candace to the Rocky Mountain District!

July 2nd Loretta and I took in the Family Camp planned by Jason Neely, Cordell Hines, and Travis Lowell for the West Slope of Colorado at Camp Cedaredge.  The camp was a success with good attendance and effective ministry provided by Phil Neely, Jason Neely, and Ray Smith.

Camp Cedaredge is looking great and functioning well.  The reports from our youth, children’s, and girls ministry camps are excellent.  We also had children’s camps for the east slope of CO and UT.  Many from our Royal Ranger groups travelled to Eagle Rock MO for the National Camporama this year with more events upcoming before the summer ends.  Thanks to all who make these camps a success for the sake of the children and young people in our many churches.

On July 8th, Randy Popineau and I had the honor of installing Scott Bottoms as the new pastor of Church at Briargate in Colorado Springs, CO.  Congratulations Scott and Linda.

July 10-11 our Presbytery assembled for our summer meeting.  On Wednesday morning, the 11th we ordained Shawn Johnston who could not be present at District Council due to back surgery.  Congratulations Shawn and Sarah.

On July 14th Loretta and I attended the wedding of Cortney Popineau (daughter of Randy and Joan Popineau) to Ryan Ragozine.  They are pursuing ministry as Ryan works on his doctorate degree.

On July 15th I had the joy of ministering at River of Life Church in Rye, CO for Pastor James Naron.  This church has grown significantly since James became pastor and it is located in one of the most beautiful spots in CO and UT.  God bless you James and Ann.

On July 22nd Loretta and I visited Peak Life Church in Woodland Park, CO.  Ken and Kim Hellmer started this church within the last year and are making good progress.  God bless you, Ken and Kim as you lead this work forward.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Churches Large and Small: Both/And – not - Either/Or

The scripture makes it clear that God created the church to be a body with diverse members each contributing to the life and work of the church according to God’s design.  This is true in the life of the local church and it is also true in the church at large.  Considering the network of churches and ministers we have in the Rocky Mountain District of the AG it is apparent we have great variety.  I believe this is necessary to the success of the church fulfilling the great commission.

We have churches that are tuned into a variety of cultures such as rural, mountain, biker, suburban, cowboy, inner city, blue collar, white collar, generational, etc.  Churches grow depending on the size of the demographic they reach in their area, the unique abilities of the pastor and congregation, and the providence of God.  Experience tells me that God gifts pastors to lead churches of different sizes.  Some are highly gifted to shepherd God’s people on a personal level and they tend to develop smaller to medium size churches.  These churches develop a family like atmosphere that effectively sustains believers.   Others are highly gifted to develop churches that become very large.  These pastors and churches are dynamic in evangelism and provide a wide open door of entry into the Kingdom of God for lost souls.  Achieving the great commission is a collective effort and every healthy church should be celebrated and appreciated.

A few years ago a Pastor of a mega church in Colorado Springs was leading his church in a relocation of their church facilities.  A church near their new location objected.  The Pastor of the mega church told the concerned Pastor if their new location caused a loss of people in his church then the mega church would pay off the debt on their building.  He made this commitment because he believed the growth of his church would actually feed the nearby church with new people.  Time has proven his theory correct.  The concerned church is now building a larger sanctuary having grown through recent years.  Randy Popineau planted Church at Briargate and purchased a church property located in the same area.  He verified that being in the shadow of a mega church helped them rather than hurt them. 

This isn’t an exact science but generally as a fast growing church wins many souls to Christ some of those new people do not connect well with the highly evangelistic church long term and move to more of a family style church.  The rising tide of new souls won into the kingdom of God through an evangelistic church will help raise other healthy churches in the area. 

I realize churches grow through evangelism and transfer growth.  Transfer growth works both ways; in and out of most churches.  The answer to transfer growth is not to resist other churches, but rather to provide effective ministry that will retain people who should stay, and an attitude of releasing people when they want to leave.

In our church growth culture we tend to think a church can reach its community by itself.  If the community is small, then perhaps it can.  However, in larger communities it is going to take multiple churches to get the job done.  If we think of our district as a body with different members designed to achieve unique goals, it helps us see the importance of releasing and celebrating the multiplication of churches through those who are gifted and positioned to do so.  I have observed that many pastors have a desire to plant new churches and sometimes I think it is the Holy Spirit prompting a pastor to help others plant a new church.

The vision God gave me for building the church always exceeded my realizations.  Over time I learned that God placed a vision in my heart that extended beyond what He would do through me directly and included what He would do through others I could help.  So, we worked hard to grow Radiant Church, we planted churches out of Radiant, helped others plant churches that were not directly associated with Radiant, and helped ministers develop who would be used by God in the building of His kingdom.

When it comes to the fulfillment of the Great Commission it does not matter who gets the credit.  What matters is that the work is accomplished.  The development of the Parent Affiliated Church model releases highly growth oriented churches to spread their wings and reach out far beyond the growth capabilities they have when confined to one location.  These churches together with other healthy churches in the area provide effective ministry; reaching and retaining believers.  The world needs every healthy church we have and many more. 

As a Pastor applies himself or herself diligently to the ministry, over time they discover God’s gifting in their lives.  If we are not careful, we can labor under a burden of unhealthy expectation that is superficially imposed by our church culture and our American culture (i.e. you have to achieve big things to be successful).  I believe every minister should ardently pursue effectiveness in ministry but ultimately rest in the unique purpose God has for them.  For some it is to work in smaller settings for others it is to work in larger settings.  Every member of a Super Bowl winning team receives the same ring whether they played quarterback or guard; whether they were celebrated or obscure in their contribution.  The church is a body or a team.  God wants every member contributing according to His will.  That is how we will reach the world and that is how He will reward each of us at the judgment seat of Christ.

Keep an open heart and an open hand.  Don’t fear how kingdom development may affect your ministry and church.  God is using you and will use you as you faithfully serve Him.  Take what God has placed in your hands and use it to achieve His purpose through you and others.

May the church flourish to the glory of God, for the sake of His children, and for the sake of lost souls.

Recent Weekend Connections:

May 27th I had the honor of speaking at Living Hope Church in Colorado Springs, CO in the morning service.  It was a joy to speak on the presence and work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer on Pentecost Sunday.

That evening I chaired the business meeting at Church at Briargate in Colorado Springs, CO in which Scott Bottoms was elected to serve as the new Lead Pastor.  Congratulations Scott and Linda!

Scott is serving as Presbyter of the Denver Metro North Section and will be moving to the Pikes Peak Section.  Consequently, we will be conducting an election for ministers and churches of the Denver Metro North Section June 21st at 10:00 a.m. at Broomfield AG to select a new Presbyter to take Scott’s place going forward.

June 2nd and 3rd Loretta and I had the joyous privilege of participating in the 80th anniversary celebration of Chapel of the Plains in Stoneham, CO.  This is an excellent church with a great history.  Some of the fine pastors who have served over the years include Jasper Weaver, Jim Maley, Jay Littlefield, Gordon Anderson, Gary Meadows, and Marshall Frasier who came about one year ago.   Several of the previous pastors were present for the celebration.  God bless you Marshall and Rebecca as you lead this church forward.

On Friday, June 8th Loretta and I witnessed the wedding of Courtney Allen to Mike Howie at Living Hope Church.  Courtney is the daughter of Missionaries Larry and Rhonda Allen.  Congratulations and God bless you Mike and Courtney!

This week I travel to Salem, OR for a Church Extension Plan board meeting.  This is an excellent organization that provides funding for several of our church buildings throughout the RMD and around the nation.

Monday, May 21, 2012


We have three churches that have been seeking a Pastor for some time. They are Cope AG in Cope, CO, New Life Fellowship in Del Norte, CO, and Eads AG in Eads, CO. Eads AG is completing a new building on the highway entering town. They sold their old property and are building the new building debt free. Congratulations to this congregation on this step forward.

I am praying the Lord provides the leadership of His choosing for each church. If you are interested in pursuing an open church, please contact our office for a listing of open churches. FYI, Calvary AG in Brush, CO and Victory Life Church in Fruita, CO are open as well. First Assembly of God in Moab, UT secured a new Pastor, Matt Woodroof who will begin in June. Church at Briargate in Colorado Springs, CO will be voting on a Pastoral candidate at the end of this month.

April 24 – 25 District Council convened at Life Church, in Salt Lake City. It was a joyous Council marked by impacting ministry, recognition of newly Licensed and Certified ministers, Ordination of ministers, instructive workshops, fellowship, and District business. The audio of our services and workshops are now posted on our district web site. Our new Sectional Presbyters elected during Sectional Tour were ratified and Jerry Cassell was elected to serve as our Colorado East Slope Executive Presbyter beginning June 1st. Congratulations to each one.

Following District Council our Presbytery met April 26th and then I flew to Dallas to attend the annual board meeting of Southwestern Assemblies of God University on Friday, April 27th. SAGU is doing very well. God is providing in extraordinary fashion funding that is needed for new facilities.

May 10-11 Loretta and I served as coaches for the “Under 40” retreat at Glen Eyrie in Colorado Springs, CO. Fifty under 40 AG ministers gathered for this exciting and enriching event. Zac Wilkinson, Pastor of Rever AG in Longmont, CO and Leila Ojala, Pastor of Elements Church in Summit County, CO are key leaders of this informal network within the AG and did a great job leading the retreat. I thank God for our young ministers.

I attended the Colorado East Slope Men’s Retreat May 18-20 at the Horn Creek Retreat Center. Jamie Montera preached stirring messages Friday and Saturday, and the men responded with heart felt seeking after God. I had the honor of sharing the Sunday a.m. communion service message. A District Men’s Retreat was also conducted the same weekend at Camp Cedaredge for the West Slope of CO and Utah. Thanks to Jason Neely and his team for providing this resource of ministry for our churches. Jason is stepping down from the position of Men’s Ministry Director and Greg Hawkins will be leading District Men’s Ministry forward.

In recent weeks I have had the privilege of ministering at New Life Fellowship (Interim Pastor Lamar Taylor) in Del Norte, CO, Life Church (Pastor Jim Ayers) in Salt Lake City, UT, and Canyon Road AG (Pastor Jeremiah Johnson) in Ogden, UT. We are part of a great team God has put together throughout CO and UT. The world desperately needs the church to be at its best. I pray all of our ministers flourish in the work God has called them to do and all our churches experience health and expansion for the cause of Christ.

Thursday, April 5, 2012


The morning I wrote this article I received a call from a Pastor who is dealing with criticism of his ministry by a parishioner. As we talked I noted his mature and thoughtful response. Criticism is a fact of ministry life. What you do with it is important to your effectiveness and your peace of mind.

First of all, decide whether or not to receive the criticism. If it comes in the form of an anonymous letter, the best policy is to throw it in “file 13”; preferably, without reading it. I must admit I have occasionally read an unsigned letter. However, I can’t say that reading an anonymous letter has ever helped me become a better minister. Usually it only frustrated me. If the critic is identified, give it consideration.

Second, consider the source. If the criticism is coming from a respected person, then take it seriously. If it is coming from a chronic critic, give it less weight. If it is a chronic critic who keeps repeating something you have already evaluated and acted upon, ignore it.

Third, prayerfully consider the criticism. It can be constructive. Keep an open heart and mind. This is not always easy to do, especially when it is delivered in a combative or threatening manner. Don’t let defensiveness or self-confidence blind you to areas that need correction or improvement. A wise leader will prayerfully evaluate criticism to see if it has merit.

Fourth, decide what to do with the criticism. If it corrects something that is wrong or helps you improve what you are doing, implement the idea. If it is not helpful, then set it aside and move on. Moses received and acted upon the criticism and counsel of Jethro. In so doing he helped Israel and himself.

Fifth, keep your spirit free. When you are the object of criticism it hurts. When the criticism is mean spirited, forgive the critic and let it go. When the criticism is helpful, humble yourself and receive the help it provides. Pride makes criticism unbearable. After you have decided what to do with the criticism, move on.

I recall a parishioner at Radiant Church several years ago who made an appointment to see me in my office. When we met she proceeded to list the things she did not like about Radiant Church. After listening to her complaints I told her “There are things about Radiant Church I don’t like either, and I am the Senior Pastor”. We are all a work in progress as are our churches. Eat the meat, spit out the bones, and keep going.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012



On March 11th I had the privilege of participating together with Superintendent James Braddy of the Northern CA/Nevada District in the installation service for Kyle and Marcia Bethke as Senior Pastors at Bethel Church in Modesto, CA. Kyle and Marcia met and married at Bethel Church in San Jose, CA when I was Senior Pastor. Kyle and Marcia served as our College and Career pastors and it is exciting to see how God is continuing to use them in ministry. We are part of a great network of ministers around the world.

Friday night, March 16th I joined a few others in a gathering at Church at Briargein Colorado Springs, CO to meet the General Superintendent of sensitive part of the world. It was inspirational to hear what God is doing in such a needy and troubled country. The gospel is going forward in significant fashion. Our missionary efforts make a difference! There will be many populating heaven because of what you and your church are doing to advance the gospel of Jesus Christ around the world.

The weekend of March23-25 Loretta and I participated in a Friday night dinner meeting with Jim and Carrie Ayers, Greg and Jill Johnson, Dr. George and Jewell Wood, and key Mormon Church leaders in Salt Lake City, UT. The theological divide is wide but there are moral issues in our nation we agree upon. The following morning George Wood spoke at a breakfast for AG and non AG ministers at Salt Lake Christian Center were Pastor Ray and Kathy Smith serve. About 80 were in attendance and it was an encouraging experience for all. Dr. Wood then spoke on Sunday a.m. at Life Church for Pastor Jim and Carrie Ayers. I believe Dr. Wood is a gift from God to the AG in this season of our history.

On April 1st Loretta and I visited Foothills AG In Fort Collins, CO. It was great to connect with Pastor Steve and Diane Curry, and also with Nate and Lindsey Banke, and several of the Chi Alpha team members who minister at Colorado State University. Duncan Chance, a Chi Alpha missionary led inspiring worship and Steve shared an impacting Palm Sunday message. God bless you Steve and Diane as you lead this church forward.


District Council will be at Life Church in Salt Lake City, UT April 24-26. I hope you can attend. If you are unable to come, we are making arrangements to “Live Stream” the Wednesday night, 7:00 p.m. Ordination service. To access the Ordination Service on line you can go to our District Facebook page. Also, you can register for Council on line at our district web site, www.rmdc.org.

Monday, March 5, 2012



Most of the month of February was spent in our Sectional Tour. I want to thank all our Presbyters who arranged for the events and the churches that hosted. The elections, workshops, and banquets went very well. 551 ministers and spouses attended our banquets and it was enriching to fellowship with each one.

We gave all our ministers who were present a binder with important church business and ministerial tax information. We will have a supply of these binders at District Council for those who did not receive one at the sectional meeting. The binder is free of charge and a great resource to keep in your church files.


District Council will convene April 24-26 at Life Church in Salt Lake City, UT. Speakers in our services will be Greg Mundis AGWM Executive Director, Lee Ponder Pastor of Delta First AG and Assistant Superintendent, and Don Steiger.

We will also provide the following Leadership Resource Summit sessions:

Plenary Session – Wednesday, April 25, 10:00 a.m.

Transforming Talk: How to have a conversation with a Mormon with Greg Johnson of Standing Together; Sid Casillas, and Dane Wead moderating

This session will explore the history, the theology and a few key practical insights into Mormonism. We will take this information and develop conversation material that can take place between and Evangelical and Mormon – concluding with Q & A.

Breakout Sessions – Wednesday, April 25, 11:00 a.m.

Thriving Discipleship in a Busy Culture with Pastor Gene Roncone and the Highpoint Team

Increased work weeks, the explosion of weekend warriors and the proliferation of outside obligations have cut deep into people’s time and availability for church. How do we resolve the tension between the need for effective discipleship and the reality of limited availability? In this session Gene Roncone and the Highpoint team will share creative options Highpoint has employed to…
- Use podcasts, online media and flash drives to mentor new believers.
- Experience meaningful, but convenient discipleship.
- Use new media to expose people to “real time” missionaries and boost giving without increasing
church services or expenses.
- Provide quick and customized information through text casting, auto-responders and CR codes.
- Integrate direct mail and simple technology to connect with the unchurched community.
- Offer additional topical teaching without being distracted from core discipleship.
- Increase participation in and excitement about prayer.

All of these methods can drastically reduce the amount of money and time needed to facilitate them while increasing the quality of these ministries themselves.

Anchors in Ministry: Peace, Purpose, and Perks! with Rita Ponder, Christie Voss, and Loretta Steiger

Rita Ponder will discuss maintaining peace of mind, peace in our homes, and peace in relationships. Thoughts on keeping focus on our purpose in ministry will be shared by Christie Voss, and Loretta Steiger will discuss those “perks” that help us keep going. This workshop is available to all women.

Looking in the rearview mirror: A quick glimpse at how the world has changed and what it means to you! with Lee Terry.

Having a Christian worldview seems to be an easy thing but statistically it has proven to be difficult for people. Only 9% of Christians have and practice a Biblical worldview. The prevailing culture seems to dictate the world’s thinking. We will look at changes that have brought this about and how we can better equip our students and ourselves to have a Biblical world view.

In addition to ministry we will have important business to transact. I hope you can join us at District Council.


Since the first of the year I have had the privilege of visiting and ministering in several of our churches Sunday services. January 8th Loretta and I visited Journey Church in Strasburg, CO. Pastor Scott and Linda Bottoms are doing a great job pastoring this church. They conduct multiple services in their current facility to accommodate the growth and have plans to build a new facility in the near future.

I had the privilege of ministering at First AG in Trinidad, CO, January 29th with Pastor Kim and Susan Pittman. This is a strong church having impact in the community. God bless you Kim and Susan as you continue the work in Trinidad.

On February 5th I spoke at Pueblo Christian Center for their Missions Convention kick off service. Under the leadership of Pastor Josh and Adra Richardson the church is alive with God’s presence and great things are happening.

On February 12th Loretta and I attended Living Hope Church in Colorado Springs, CO. Pastor Phil and Heather Steiger had as their guest speaker Dr. J. P. Moreland. Dr. Moreland is a Professor at Talbot Seminary, author, church planter, and Pentecostal scholar. I have read several of his books and highly recommend his writings.

On February 26th I had the privilege of speaking at Christian Life AG in Payson, UT in the morning service. Pastor Mark and Pam Gering lead this church and are doing a great job.

Sunday evening, February 26th I spoke at Victory Life Church in Fruita, CO at their annual business meeting. Pastor Ted and Tami Miller have led this church through a relocation and significant building program. God bless you Ted and Tami as you continue to lead this church in growth and impact in the Grand Valley.

On March 2nd Loretta and I joined the congregation of Family Worship Center in Centennial, CO for a wonderful 20th anniversary celebration banquet. Sunday morning, March 4th I had the privilege of speaking at Family Worship Center for Pastor Loren and Sylvia Popineau as we continued to give thanks to God for the establishment of this wonderful church and the ministry of Loren and Sylvia Popineau. In 1992 Loren and Sylvia came to Littleton (now Centennial), CO to plant this church in a vacant church building. Today this is a thriving church with impact in Centennial and around the world through their strong Missions involvement.