Thursday, April 5, 2012


The morning I wrote this article I received a call from a Pastor who is dealing with criticism of his ministry by a parishioner. As we talked I noted his mature and thoughtful response. Criticism is a fact of ministry life. What you do with it is important to your effectiveness and your peace of mind.

First of all, decide whether or not to receive the criticism. If it comes in the form of an anonymous letter, the best policy is to throw it in “file 13”; preferably, without reading it. I must admit I have occasionally read an unsigned letter. However, I can’t say that reading an anonymous letter has ever helped me become a better minister. Usually it only frustrated me. If the critic is identified, give it consideration.

Second, consider the source. If the criticism is coming from a respected person, then take it seriously. If it is coming from a chronic critic, give it less weight. If it is a chronic critic who keeps repeating something you have already evaluated and acted upon, ignore it.

Third, prayerfully consider the criticism. It can be constructive. Keep an open heart and mind. This is not always easy to do, especially when it is delivered in a combative or threatening manner. Don’t let defensiveness or self-confidence blind you to areas that need correction or improvement. A wise leader will prayerfully evaluate criticism to see if it has merit.

Fourth, decide what to do with the criticism. If it corrects something that is wrong or helps you improve what you are doing, implement the idea. If it is not helpful, then set it aside and move on. Moses received and acted upon the criticism and counsel of Jethro. In so doing he helped Israel and himself.

Fifth, keep your spirit free. When you are the object of criticism it hurts. When the criticism is mean spirited, forgive the critic and let it go. When the criticism is helpful, humble yourself and receive the help it provides. Pride makes criticism unbearable. After you have decided what to do with the criticism, move on.

I recall a parishioner at Radiant Church several years ago who made an appointment to see me in my office. When we met she proceeded to list the things she did not like about Radiant Church. After listening to her complaints I told her “There are things about Radiant Church I don’t like either, and I am the Senior Pastor”. We are all a work in progress as are our churches. Eat the meat, spit out the bones, and keep going.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012



On March 11th I had the privilege of participating together with Superintendent James Braddy of the Northern CA/Nevada District in the installation service for Kyle and Marcia Bethke as Senior Pastors at Bethel Church in Modesto, CA. Kyle and Marcia met and married at Bethel Church in San Jose, CA when I was Senior Pastor. Kyle and Marcia served as our College and Career pastors and it is exciting to see how God is continuing to use them in ministry. We are part of a great network of ministers around the world.

Friday night, March 16th I joined a few others in a gathering at Church at Briargein Colorado Springs, CO to meet the General Superintendent of sensitive part of the world. It was inspirational to hear what God is doing in such a needy and troubled country. The gospel is going forward in significant fashion. Our missionary efforts make a difference! There will be many populating heaven because of what you and your church are doing to advance the gospel of Jesus Christ around the world.

The weekend of March23-25 Loretta and I participated in a Friday night dinner meeting with Jim and Carrie Ayers, Greg and Jill Johnson, Dr. George and Jewell Wood, and key Mormon Church leaders in Salt Lake City, UT. The theological divide is wide but there are moral issues in our nation we agree upon. The following morning George Wood spoke at a breakfast for AG and non AG ministers at Salt Lake Christian Center were Pastor Ray and Kathy Smith serve. About 80 were in attendance and it was an encouraging experience for all. Dr. Wood then spoke on Sunday a.m. at Life Church for Pastor Jim and Carrie Ayers. I believe Dr. Wood is a gift from God to the AG in this season of our history.

On April 1st Loretta and I visited Foothills AG In Fort Collins, CO. It was great to connect with Pastor Steve and Diane Curry, and also with Nate and Lindsey Banke, and several of the Chi Alpha team members who minister at Colorado State University. Duncan Chance, a Chi Alpha missionary led inspiring worship and Steve shared an impacting Palm Sunday message. God bless you Steve and Diane as you lead this church forward.


District Council will be at Life Church in Salt Lake City, UT April 24-26. I hope you can attend. If you are unable to come, we are making arrangements to “Live Stream” the Wednesday night, 7:00 p.m. Ordination service. To access the Ordination Service on line you can go to our District Facebook page. Also, you can register for Council on line at our district web site,