Friday, July 20th began
with a horrific and senseless shooting in an Aurora, Colorado theater. As you know by now 12 people were killed and
58 injured. Some of the young people
present were from High Point Church in Aurora and we are thankful none were
injured. Several kids from Calvary Chapel
in Aurora were also present and as I understand it escaped injury. This is not to say that all Christians in the
theater were spared. In deed God’s
people suffer along with the rest of creation and our hearts break when we see
the suffering caused by criminal, sinful behavior.
So many emotions and thoughts
flood our hearts and minds at a time like this.
Add to that the tragic wild fires in Colorado and Utah which brought the
loss of three human lives and the loss of homes for hundreds of families and we
come face to face with the fragility of life, the corruption in the human
heart, and the curse under which our world labors.
Questions are asked no one can
answer and loss is experienced no one can replace. The ultimate source of help is the Savior who
entered human suffering, gave His life to redeem us eternally from the travail
of this sin-cursed world, and is present to heal the broken hearted. May Christ’s presence in each of us individually
and His church collectively provide the healing and hope so desperately needed
in a hurting world.
May we pray for our pastors and
churches at the vortex of these recent tragedies that God will use them to
minister help and healing. And, may we
pray for all who are impacted by these dramatic and painful events.
On June 19th I
participated in the funeral of Ethel Brandt, and on June 21st Randy
Popineau attended the funeral of Imageen Jeffcoat. I thank God for these wonderful women who served
God faithfully in Colorado and Utah.
On June 21st I
conducted a Denver Metro North Sectional business meeting in which Doyle
Robinson was chosen to serve as Presbyter going forward. God bless you, Doyle.
On July 1st I had the
privilege of installing Matthew Woodroof as the new pastor of First AG in Moab,
Utah. Welcome, Matt and Candace to the
Rocky Mountain District!
July 2nd Loretta and I
took in the Family Camp planned by Jason Neely, Cordell Hines, and Travis
Lowell for the West Slope of Colorado at Camp Cedaredge. The camp was a success with good attendance
and effective ministry provided by Phil Neely, Jason Neely, and Ray Smith.
Camp Cedaredge is looking great
and functioning well. The reports from
our youth, children’s, and girls ministry camps are excellent. We also had children’s camps for the east
slope of CO and UT. Many from our Royal
Ranger groups travelled to Eagle Rock MO for the National Camporama this year
with more events upcoming before the summer ends. Thanks to all who make these camps a success
for the sake of the children and young people in our many churches.
On July 8th, Randy
Popineau and I had the honor of installing Scott Bottoms as the new pastor of
Church at Briargate in Colorado Springs, CO.
Congratulations Scott and Linda.
July 10-11 our Presbytery
assembled for our summer meeting. On
Wednesday morning, the 11th we ordained Shawn Johnston who could not
be present at District Council due to back surgery. Congratulations Shawn and Sarah.
On July 14th Loretta
and I attended the wedding of Cortney Popineau (daughter of Randy and Joan
Popineau) to Ryan Ragozine. They are
pursuing ministry as Ryan works on his doctorate degree.
On July 15th I had the
joy of ministering at River of Life Church in Rye, CO for Pastor James
Naron. This church has grown
significantly since James became pastor and it is located in one of the most
beautiful spots in CO and UT. God bless
you James and Ann.
On July 22nd Loretta
and I visited Peak Life Church in Woodland Park, CO. Ken and Kim Hellmer started this church within
the last year and are making good progress.
God bless you, Ken and Kim as you lead this work forward.