Monday, April 29, 2013


UNITY:  When pastoring I prayed earnestly for unity in the church.  I learned early on that a church divided is ineffective.  Unity in the church is a powerful principle that provides a healthy atmosphere in which believers can grow in Christ and unbelievers are more inclined to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.  Unity puts the love of God on display through our love for one another and releases the Holy Spirit to draw people to Christ through the church.   “My (Jesus) prayer for them is not for them alone.  I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one. Father, just as you are in me and I am in you.  May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.”  (John 17:20-21).

Jesus prayed for unity in the church.  And, his word teaches the following important keys to unity: unity of the faith, unity of the Spirit, unity of purpose, and unity of structure.

Unity of the faith (Eph 4:13) is based on agreement with essential biblical truth.  A qualifier for membership and leadership in the church is agreement with sound biblical doctrine.

Unity of the Spirit (Eph 4:2-3) is based on love and acceptance of one another.  This includes the ability to unite together in spite of differences of opinion in non-essential areas such as personal convictions.

Unity of purpose (Mt 28:19-20) is based on Christ’s plan for the church to disciple people from all nations to Him.  When we establish a vision to achieve that mission it helps to unite the church.

Unity of structure (1 Th 5:12-13) is based on a biblical organization of the church.  The scriptures teach there are those God has called into church leadership and believers are to follow them so long as they lead biblically.

When one or more of these areas are not functioning a church suffers from dissention and loses its ability to effectively carry out the ministry of Jesus Christ.  This is not to say that all attendees of a church will be in accord with these principles.  For example, at any given time there should be unbelievers attending the church who may not agree on biblical truth – not yet.  However, the believers in the church are the ones on whom it is incumbent to live in unity.  When they do so the perpetual evangelistic evolution of unbelievers belonging (being received and loved by the church), then believing, then becoming will be encouraged and not disturb the unity.

Unity in the church should transcend the local congregation and be observed among bible-believing Pastors and churches by the support, respect, and love we display for one another.  This is a worthy goal to advance the kingdom of God on a micro and macro level.

DISTRICT COUNCIL:  The 96th District Council of the Rocky Mountain District convened in Colorado Springs, CO at Radiant Church April 23-24.  We experienced the presence of God, meaningful ministry in the services and workshops, rich fellowship, and productive business sessions.  The services and leadership workshops will be posted on our District website at

The results of various elections are as follows:  Don Steiger was elected Superintendent - Alex Lucero was elected Assistant Superintendent (for the unexpired term) - Dane Wead was elected Utah Regional Executive Presbyter (for the unexpired term) - All Presbyters elected during the Sectional Tour were ratified - The Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent were nominated for the General Council Nonresident Executive Presbytery to be voted upon at General Council - and Jason Neely was nominated for the General Council Executive Presbytery as the under 40 Ordained RMD minister to the General Presbyters who will in turn select four names to be voted upon at General Council.

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