Friday, January 29, 2010

Encouraged in the Lord

Discouragement is an enemy we all face from time to time. David found himself discouraged and in a very difficult situation in 1 Samuel 30: 1-6. His discouragement was due to the captivity of his family and his follower’s families, the destruction of Ziklag where he and his followers were living at the time, and the threat of rebellion among his followers. In verse 6 it says “But David found strength in the Lord his God” or as the King James version says “but David encouraged himself in the Lord his God.”

Recently, a pastor going through a very difficult time shared that without his relationship with God he would have given up. Learning to encourage ourselves in the Lord is a vital spiritual discipline. I think there were a number of things that converged in David’s mind that enabled him to be strengthened by the Lord at a critical moment in his life.

First of all, David encouraged himself in God’s mercy. He strayed from the will of God and needed His mercy. He grew weary of Saul’s pursuit of his life in Israel and went to Gath where he entered an alliance with King Achish, a Philistine ruler. Achish gave him the city of Ziklag where he and his six hundred men and their families could live. During his 16 month stay in Ziklag David raided communities outside Gath killing the inhabitants and taking their spoils to provide for his followers. Among David’s victims were Amalekites. When Achish questioned him about the source of the spoils David lied saying he had plundered Israelites in Judea. Discouragement comes even when we are in the center of God’s will, but David’s impending dilemma stemmed from his disobedience to God.

Amalekites attacked Ziklag as David and his men were with the armies of the Philistines preparing to fight King Saul and the army of Israel. David offered to fight for the Philistines but the Philistine commanders did not trust him and required that Achish send him and his men home to Ziklag. When they returned they discovered their city burned and their families taken captive. His men were so distraught they threatened to stone him. David then inquired of the Lord and the Lord promised he would successfully rescue his people. Under God’s direction he did so. David was at his best when he inquired of the Lord. When he trusted his own judgment over God’s he failed. Discouragement comes to us all, but when we miss God it is compounded. God’s mercy does not fail, however, and we can look to Him in assurance of His love and readiness to help.

Second, David encouraged himself in God’s promise. God mercifully protected David from fighting against Saul. It was in this battle that Saul’s sons were slain and Saul died falling on his sword after being wounded by the enemy. If David had participated alongside the Philistines in this battle, his ascension to the throne of Israel may have been prevented. God mercifully protected David from himself in this instance and preserved his future. God directed Samuel to anoint David in his youth as the next King of Israel. Though years had passed since that promise was delivered to David the promise remained true. I find it instructive that at the critical moment of the fulfillment of God’s promise David was in peril from within and without.

Third, David encouraged himself in God’s power. He inquired of the Lord in the depths of his distress. Time and again David had experienced God’s overcoming power. God enabled him as a boy to kill a lion and a bear in defense of his sheep. With God’s help he defeated the giant Goliath on the field of battle. God preserved him time and again from Saul’s efforts to locate and kill him. When all seemed lost from the human perspective he knew God was greater than any circumstance and he put his trust in God.

Out of this crisis David renewed his commitment to the plan of God and returned to Israel. It wasn’t long before he was anointed King over Judah and later King over all of Israel. There is strength in the Lord our God. Be encouraged in Him.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Recent Connections and Reflections

On November 22nd Loretta and I worshipped at Living Hope Church where Phil Steiger serves as Pastor. They are working in partnership with the counseling department at Focus on the Family to provide a city wide marriage seminar designed for unchurched people. The Army Post, Fort Carson is very interested because of the family challenges so many troops face due to serving in Iraq for extended periods of time. The event will be hosted by Living Hope on April 30 and May 1, and we are believing many will be impacted with the love and wisdom of Christ.

On November 29th Loretta and I visited Discovery Church in Parker, CO. Pastor Jon and Angie Hamp launched this church in September 09 and are meeting in a theater complex. The church is thriving with a wonderful worship experience and excited people.

On December 6th Loretta and I were in San Antonio TX for the AG Executive Leadership conference. A Sunday morning service was conducted in the hotel with Jim Bradford (General Council Secretary) speaking. He will be our night speaker at District Council in Grand Junction, CO this year. He is an excellent communicator with great content. The conference was refreshing and helpful.

On December 13th Loretta and I visited Federal Heights New Life Worship Center where Bo Sosa serves as Pastor. It was great to be with this church family that suffered the tragedy of the Masters Commission van accident. This is an alive, growing church that is impacting its community. We are all pulling for this wonderful church in their time of difficulty and God is doing great things. God bless you Bo and Teresa and your ministry team!

On December 20th I spoke at Eads AG in Eads, CO where Richard Zabriskie serves as Pastor. What a delightful group of people. The church building is located near the local High School which I helped build when I was about 16 years old and working for a sheet rocking contractor in the summer months. It brought back some memories and I discovered a couple men in the church who also worked on that building (so much for reminiscing). Thank you Richard and Pat for your ministry in Eads.

On December 27th I spoke at Radiant Church, in Colorado Springs, CO where Todd Hudnall serves as Pastor. Thanks, Todd, for inviting a previous pastor into your pulpit. The church is doing very well with many new people added and a completely renovated main campus. Radiant launched a satellite campus at Vista Ridge High School in September and I had the privilege of preaching three times; twice at the main campus and once at Vista Ridge. What could be more fun for a minister? Pastor Todd Hudnall is also on the radio five days a week with his preaching ministry. God bless you Todd and Kelly and your ministry team.

We are part of a great family of believers and together we can do so much more for Christ than we can separately. And, now we start a new year. My prayer is that 2010 will be your best year to date for you personally, your family, and your ministry.


Pastor Bobby Wilson of Praise AG in Pueblo, CO is scheduled for heart surgery January 28th.

Pastor Richard Johnson of First AG in La Junta, CO has been diagnosed with a large mass on his right kidney. Richard’s wife Robin is in treatment with a lesion on her liver as well. You can communicate with them and tract their progress on their web site:

Pastor Emil Romero of Blanding, UT is scheduled for surgery on his left shoulder and right knee in January and February.

Please join me in prayer for these dear friends and colleagues.