Tuesday, December 20, 2011


As I was listening to my son Phil’s Christmas message from Isaiah 49 recently I noted an experience in the life of Christ described prophetically that has particular significance for people in vocational ministry. Isaiah 49 describes the coming Christ as the Servant of the Lord. In verse 4 the Servant is quoted as saying, “I have labored to no purpose; I have spent my strength in vain and for nothing. Yet what is due me is in the Lord’s hand, and my reward is with God.”

It is startling to note that Jesus during the course of his life on earth experienced a sense of failure and futility in his work for the Father. He was after all altogether man as well as altogether God and he was tempted in all points as we are. So, it shouldn’t surprise us that he entered this very human experience familiar to pastors and missionaries. His experience in the garden as he prayed “not my will, but yours be done” may have been one of those moments. There are seasons of ministry when we are tempted to give up because it seems as though we are accomplishing nothing of value or it is too difficult. How do we keep those feelings from sidetracking us from doing God’s will?

After stating his discouragement, the Servant went on to say “Yet what is due me is in the Lord’s hand, and my reward is with God.” Jesus dealt with his feelings of discouragement first of all by reminding himself that he was about the Father’s business and his final reward was with God. It is important to ascertain we are in God’s will and then entrust our work to him. What we do in ministry we do for God not the applause of men.

He goes on to say, “I am honored in the eyes of the Lord and my God has been my strength – he says: it is too small a thing for you to be my servant to restore the tribes of Jacob and bring back those of Israel I have kept. I will also make you a light for the Gentiles that you may bring my salvation to the ends of the earth.” (Isaiah 49:5b-6). He also brought to mind the fact that he was honored to be called to do the work of the Father and that God was his strength. When my perspective is clearest I realize I am not doing God any favors by serving him, it is a profound and undeserved honor to be called into his service. He did me the honor of calling me into ministry. Even when the results seem unsatisfying to me it is a privilege to serve him.

He also notes that in the view of the Father he has received a call encompassing more than might be expected. He would be a light to the Gentiles as well as Israel. It wasn’t till after his death and resurrection that the message went out to the Gentiles. When we do not see the results we hope for remember there are unexpected results we cannot always observe. One of the benefits of enduring ministry is that you see results in later years from early years of ministry you could not have anticipated. God’s word does not return void and the seed of his truth planted through your ministry will bring a harvest over time. God is always doing things we cannot see and often he is working through us in ways we do not comprehend.

You may be riding the wave of exciting visible results from your ministry or you may be in a season of still waters when you are toiling at the oars with little tangible progress. If you are riding the wave, enjoy the ride and keep your balance through humility and deep devotion to God. Jesus was riding a wave at his triumphal entry into Jerusalem, but the wave hit the shore line and he found himself alone in a garden pouring his heart out to the Father as he wrestled with the completion of his calling.

“Let us fix our eyes on Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.” (Hebrews 12: 2-3). Be encouraged as you enter 2012. God is with you. God is for you. God will use you according to his purpose as you faithfully walk with him.

Monday, December 12, 2011


This time of the year is a great opportunity to gather the family together, create memories, and grow deeper in our love for one another. Next to our relationship with God our families should be the most valued relationships we have. Loretta and I celebrated our 43rd wedding anniversary November 29th and I am very grateful to God for bringing us together. Much of life comes and goes, but family is constant. When I resigned from Radiant Church after 22 years as Pastor I noticed that many ministerial relationships faded. Of course, it was important that I detach from relationships within the church to avoid interrupting the new pastor’s leadership. When I pastored Bethel Church in San Jose, CA one fellow minister told me he wanted to be my friend as long as I was pastoring Bethel. His unexpected comment revealed a normally unspoken but understood reality that many relationships are the product of one’s profession or position.

After moving to CA, Loretta and I would sometimes ask each other, “do you feel at home yet?” In one conversation she said to me “wherever you are is home for me”. It was one of those moments when I realized how very important Loretta is to me. Loretta and my sons are my best friends and greatest encouragement whether I’m “on other’s radar or under their radar”. We all need healthy human relationships that remain through all seasons of life. Relationships built on commitment to one another and love for one another – in sickness and in health; in good times and in bad. This time of year is a reminder of the first advent of our Savior and His immeasurable commitment to and love for us. For me it is also a reminder of the priceless gift He has given me in my family. I pray your family relationships will be enriched and your marriage filled with love, grace, joy and peace.

Some of our ministers have lost family members to death in the last year; one of the greatest heartaches in life. I pray God will grant each one comfort in this Christmas season.

Have a wonderful Christmas!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011



Timberline Church recently honored Dary and Bonnie Northrup for 25 years of pastoral ministry. Timberline grew into one of the strongest churches in America over those 25 years, and Dary and
Bonnie’s influence for Christ reaches far beyond Fort Collins. Thanks Dary and Bonnie for your exemplary lives and effective ministry.

Friday night, November 4th Loretta and I joined in a celebration for Nicky and Gloria Cruz commemorating 50 years of marriage and ministry. In the last 50 years Nicky has preached the gospel to 50 million people and as a result hundreds of thousands have accepted Christ as Savior and Lord. God bless you Nicky and Gloria!

It was my privilege to be the Cruz’s pastor for 20 years and I know Nicky and Gloria to be authentic people of God. God placed them in a worldwide spotlight and whether in the spotlight or out they are the same genuine followers of Jesus Christ. Gloria quietly worked in the county jail in Colorado Springs every week ministering to juveniles in trouble. When he wasn’t travelling Nicky worked out at the same gym as I and over the years brought many of the people he met there to church. They raised four daughters who are faithfully living for Jesus. What God can do with a life surrendered to His Lordship is amazing.


October 14-16 Loretta and I traveled to the Utah Women’s Retreat in Park City, Utah. The retreat was spiritually enriching to the 150 ladies in attendance. Thanks to Peggy Vawter and her leadership team for this effective retreat.

I also had the opportunity to visit Pastor Troy Champ and Capital Church in Salt Lake City, Utah for their Saturday evening service October 15th. This is an exciting church filled with young people near the University of Utah campus. God bless you Troy and Suzanne.

Loretta and I visited Pastor Shannon and Nancy Schreyer and God’s Place church in Ogden, Utah Sunday morning. October 16th. It was great to also connect with Adam and Joni Schmidgall who serve as Children’s Pastors at God’s Place. This is a church with a revival spirit reaching into the community of Ogden with great passion for God and people. God bless you Shannon and Nancy, and Adam and Joni.

On Wednesday, October 19th I stopped by Restoration Church in Colorado Springs to see the addition of temporary buildings. Restoration has been growing so fast with young families they had to bring in temporary buildings to accommodate the needs of a rapidly expanding children’s ministry. God bless you Pastor Paul and Melanie Aragon.

This year our DYD Lee Terry and his leadership team provided a youth convention October 21-23 at Victory Life Church in Grand Junction, CO. About 300 young people were in attendance to receive the ministry provided. Several of the youth groups stayed for one of the Sunday morning services at Victory Life Church before returning home. Thank you Pastor Ted Miller for making the facilities of Victory Life Church available and for your ministry to the many young people who invaded your church service Sunday morning.

On October 23rd it was my privilege to preach at Praise Assembly of God in Pueblo, CO. Praise is a great church and the product of Pastor Bobby Wilson’s years of ministry in Pueblo. Bobby has a wonderful team of pastors around him who are instrumental in the success of this church. One of the powerful features of this church is the many ministers who have come out of Praise AG. God bless you Bobby and Alvena.

October 28-30 Loretta and I traveled to Park City Utah to attend the Utah Ministers retreat. What a pleasure to be with these fine ministers! There was much laughter, encouragement, and ministry in the hours spent together. Thanks Alex Lucero, Sid Casillas, and Dane Wead for this helpful event.

On Sunday October 30th I was honored to speak for Pastor Dane Wead at New Life Fellowship in Logan, Utah. This church is thriving in an exciting season of expansion. The first building phase of their new campus is complete which provides space for youth ministry and weekday activities of the church. Sunday mornings they worship in a theater complex as they move toward the building of their next phase. God bless you Dane and Bev in your ministry!

Sunday, November 6th I spoke at Eads Assembly of God in Eads, CO. Shawn Johnson has been serving as an Interim Pastor and doing a great job. This is a fine congregation of people with a heart to reach out to the community. I also met with the board and they shared with me plans to sell their old building and build a new facility on property they own by the highway. They are a General Council church and appear to be near the acquisition of a new permanent pastor. I thank God for this church and I believe God has great things in store for them going forward.


On Saturday, November 5th I met with the District Royal Ranger leadership team in Centennial, CO. This is an impressive group of men devoted to shaping boys into disciples of Jesus Christ. Arden Harms has done an excellent job leading this ministry as our District Commander for several years. He recently informed me he believes it is time to step down. He plans to do so at the end of January. We are praying for the Lord’s direction as we seek a new District Commander. Thanks Arden, you have our deepest appreciation and respect.

Thursday, October 13, 2011



The Denver Metro South Section met yesterday, October 12th to select a new Presbyter following the departure of Jon Hamp from that position. Paul Church, Pastor of Dakota Ridge Assembly in Littleton, CO was elected to this position and Gene Roncone was elected to take Paul’s place as a Sectional Committee Man. Thank you, Paul and Gene.


One of the most enjoyable aspects (normally enjoyable) of serving as Superintendent is the opportunity to connect with our Pastors and churches sometimes to minister and sometimes to simply be present to encourage and support. In my three and one half years I have been able to worship and often minister in over 75 of our churches on the weekends.

On August 28th my responsibilities took me into a heartbreaking church scenario as I met with a pastor who confessed to a moral failure and then participated in a meeting with the leaders of the church where he confessed to them. Thankfully God is at work in the life of this minister and the church.

On September 4th I ministered together with Fran Vernaza (interim Pastor) at Discovery Church in Parker CO. Discovery Church is one of our open churches. The church was planted two years ago by Jon and Angie Hamp and God has done wonderful things in the short life of this church. Raising up new churches is challenging and I appreciate Jon and Angie’s work.

On September 8th Loretta and I visited Dave and Hope Taylor and their counseling ministry at Ranch of Hope near West Cliff, CO. They have a very effective ministry to couples and families that serves people in our district and from other parts of the nation as well. They are a terrific resource to help marriages in trouble.

On September 11th I ministered at Lighthouse Worship Center in Walsenburg, CO. Albert Lopez has been serving as Pastor for about one year and the church is doing very well. God bless you Albert.

On September 15 our Executive Presbytery met in Delta, CO to conduct the business of the district. Then we met at Camp Cedaredge on the 16th to receive an update from Lee Terry on the camp. The camping ministry we are able to provide through this facility is serving our district and other organizations very effectively. The facilities and grounds are in great shape with many improvements made during the course of this year. RV Maps workers have made a great contribution to the improvements throughout the summer.

The internship program Lee instituted is working very well and provides several young people with training for ministry and hands on experience in the operation of the camp. This program has proven to also be a great advantage financially. In addition to the benefit of the internship program is the addition of several new clients enabling the camp to operate in the black even with the many improvements that have been made. Churches in the area have also contributed money and workers in the effort.

Lee and Renae have done a great job administering the camp and have done so without interruption to Lee’s work as our DYD. Thanks Lee and Renae.

On September 18th Loretta and I visited Abundant Life Community Church in Arvada, CO. Pastor Dyran Deer is doing a great job leading this church forward. Thank you
Dyran and Lesli for your ministry.

On September 21st our Department Leaders met via phone conference and reviewed the Rocky Mountain Ministries Conference held Friday and Saturday, August 19-20 at Praise AG in Pueblo, CO. Because of the success of this first conference it was decided to present a conference next year as well.

Pastor Ted Miller and Victory Life Church in Fruita, CO have graciously agreed to host our next Rocky Mountain Ministries Conference August 24-25, 2012. The conference will be designed to conclude mid afternoon Saturday allowing participants to rejoin their home church Sunday morning. Our hope is that presenting this on the West Slope of CO will make this resource available to congregants who could not attend the event this year due to distance.

On Friday September 23th I had the privilege of meeting with Herminio Gonzales the Secretary Treasurer of the AG in Cuba. It was humbling and inspiring to hear his story of imprisonment for Christ and his faithfulness through persecution. The AG church in Cuba is flourishing!

On September 25th I ministered at Church at Briargate in Colorado Springs, CO following the resignation of Pastor Randy Popineau. Randy is the founding pastor and led this church for 11 years before accepting the position of District Secretary Treasurer. This church was planted out of Radiant Church when Rob Cowles was Pastor and has done very well. Randy and Joan we appreciate the work you have done to raise up another church for Christ in CO. Randy is now fully engaged as our District Secretary Treasurer.

Sunday evening September 25th through Wednesday morning the 28th Loretta and I hosted the District Superintendent’s from the Southwest Region of our nation at the Glen Eyrie retreat center in Colorado Springs, CO. The retreat was enjoyable and enriching as we fellowshipped and learned from one another.

On October 2nd we worshipped in our home church, Living Hope Church in Colorado Springs, CO. It is always great to join the worship of this fine church and take in the preaching of Pastor Phil Steiger (no prejudice here).

October 7-8 I joined Loretta in Keystone, CO as she attended the Colorado Women’s Ministry Retreat. The attendance was very good and the ministry exceptional. Thanks to Peggy and her team for their fine leadership.

On October 9th I had the privilege of ministering at Abundant Life Church in Silverthorne, CO and installing Jeff McElhattan as their Pastor. Jeff and Cheryl are already deeply engaged with the community having led the Elements church plant in the area. Several unchurched friends of Jeff were present and the service was designed with them in mind.

Elements Church is going forward under the leadership of Leila Ojala. I met with Eric Ojala while in Keystone and I believe God has orchestrated the development of Jeff pastoring Abundant Life, and the Ojala’s and their team moving forward with Elements. These two churches will be able to reach out to two different demographics of people. It is a blessing to see the mutually supportive and complimentary relationship these two churches have.

Congratulations to Eric and Lelia Ojala on the birth of Aspen. Aspen is a beautiful healthy girl.

On October 18th I met with the ministers of the Denver Metro South Section to elect a new Presbyter. We followed the business with lunch together and it was exciting to hear the reports of what God is doing in South Denver.


Lynn Wickstrom has a serious infection that has settled in his eye. Please pray for Lynn’s healing and for Becky as she administers constant care and is vulnerable to infection.

Thursday, October 6, 2011


We are nearing the Thanksgiving holiday and it causes me to reflect on all I am thankful for. Life is so imperfect there are always things to complain about. However, God has given good gifts to us all and a focus on gratitude is good for the soul and energizing to ministry.

Acts 16 gives us the account of Paul and Silas being unjustly beaten and thrown into prison at Philippi. In prison “About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them.” (Acts 16:25). “About midnight” refers to the literal time of day, but the context makes that statement rich with spiritual meaning. At a very dark hour in their lives they prayed and worshipped. They were able to see beyond their immediate circumstances and reach up to their transcendent God.

God then produced a violent earthquake that caused the prison doors to fly open and everybody’s chains to come loose. As a result of those dramatic events the jailer and his household listened to Paul and Silas share the message of Christ and placed their faith in Him. In turn the jailer ministered to Paul and Silas by washing their wounds and providing a meal.

I wonder how different that midnight experience would have been for Paul and Silas if they had chosen to obsess on the injustice and pain instead of focusing on God. It would have been common fare for the prisoners to hear them speak of how unjustly they were treated and how angry they were with the perpetrators. A litany of complaints would have fit right in with a worldly perspective. But Paul and Silas were not your ordinary victims of hardship. They were men of faith and divine perspective so they prayed and worshipped. And the prisoners were listening to them. People can’t help but notice the uncommon person who lives with a faith-filled and grateful attitude.

Paul and Silas tapped into the abiding presence of Christ and in so doing received the help they needed from God and ended up ministering effectively to others. Prayer and worship is a good antidote to difficulties. I think the prayer part comes easily as we unburden our hearts with the needs we are facing. The worship part, however, may be overlooked. It requires us to focus on who God is and all He has done for us. It requires a grateful heart.

When I was growing up my church would often sing “count your blessings name them one by one”. That’s good advice for us all

Monday, September 12, 2011


In the commemoration of 9-11 we were all reminded of the horrible acts of terrorism our nation experienced September 11, 2001 and we continue to mourn the resulting loss of innocent American lives. Let me turn my thoughts to a form of spiritual terrorism carried out by Satan in his attacks on the church of Jesus Christ.

“Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings.” (1 Peter 5:8-9).

Recently, two of my friends in the ministry (one in our district and one in another district) suffered moral failure. The consequences are huge in damaged marriages, heartbroken kids, loss of ministry, loss of employment, and hurting churches. In these last days Satan has increased his efforts to damage God’s servants, smear the church, and destroy ministries. Thankfully, still less than 1% of our ministers suffer moral failure each year, but even one is too many.

There are many factors that contribute to our vulnerability to temptation. An unbalanced life is often a problem. Overwork and burnout can weaken one’s resolve. On the other side of the coin boredom can lead to greater vulnerability. Drifting from God is always a danger. Drifting from marital commitment and enjoyment is another. Involvement in pornography is a morally debilitating trap. A willingness to entertain flirtations outside of marriage is like playing “Russian Roulette” with everything important. Thinking you have earned the right to a little sinful enjoyment is a deception leading to devastating consequences.

Subconsciously seeking a way out of the pressures of ministry sometimes underlies self-destructive behavior by spiritual leaders. Learning better ways to cope, or taking a sabbatical, or even resigning from one’s current assignment are far better avenues to address such issues than self destruction. On the other hand, thinking you are invincible brings pride into the equation and pride always goes before a fall.

Seeking help to overcome Satan’s ploys is always appropriate. Dr. John Gowins is available and the district helps underwrite the cost of counseling for our ministers. Just as our nation has heightened security to prevent successful terrorist attacks so we must remain vigilant and not give Satan an opportunity.

I am thankful for a redemptive God and moral failure is not the end of the story for repentant men and women. “Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted.” (Galatians 6:1).

These thoughts are born out of a lifetime of ministry and a sincere desire to see all of us as ministers of the gospel live overcoming lives and finish well. “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.” (Ephesians 6:10).


Bertha Barrett, a Licensed AG minister in our district, went home to be with the Lord September 8th. Her funeral will be at 10:30 a.m. Friday, September 16th at Next Step Christian Church, 12156 Grant Circle, Thornton, CO. We thank God for her years of ministry together with her husband Thurl. May God grant comfort to Thurl and their family.

Thursday, August 25, 2011



We are engaged in a significant change in leadership in our district with the passing of Virgil Illum who served as our District Secretary Treasurer for the last 10 years. On August 24th the Presbytery acting on our District Bylaw provision for filling a vacancy in this office appointed Randy Popineau to serve as District Secretary Treasurer going forward. Randy accepted the appointment and will begin this fall after processing his resignation from Church at Briargate.

Since Randy Popineau was serving as our Assistant Superintendent the Presbytery in accordance with our Bylaws appointed Lee Ponder to serve as our Assistant Superintendent going forward. Congratulations Randy and Lee!

Since Lee Ponder was serving as our West Slope Executive Presbyter the Presbytery is charged with the responsibility of filling that vacancy as well. We plan to have the West Slope sections each nominate a candidate this fall and the Presbytery will select from those nominations in our January meeting 2012. When terms for each of these offices expire elections will take place at our district councils as usual.

Our Credential Advance Team has decided to delay our first Credential Seminar originally scheduled for November 2011 to 2012. We will continue the preceding credentialing process using mentors rather than the seminar for ordination candidates in the coming months. I want to encourage our licensed ministers to move forward into ordination. If you decide to do this now, please contact Kim Phillips (our Secretary Treasurer’s Administrative Assistant) at our District Office. She will provide you all the information needed. Applications for Ordination have to be in by October 14, 2011 to be included in the Ordination class at our District Council, April 24-26, 2012. The transition to a new Secretary Treasurer will not delay the credentialing process.


Some very significant decisions were made at General Council in August. Alton Garrison was returned to the office of General Council Assistant Superintendent, Jim Bradford was returned to the office of General Council Secretary, and Greg Mundis was elected to the office of Assemblies of God World Missions Executive Director. Also, the Council voted in favor of the consolidation of Central Bible College, Evangel University, and the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary. If you would like to view the services of the General Council, you can do so at www.ag.org.


Sunday, August 14, 2011 Pastor Todd Hudnall and Radiant Church honored Gary and Nancy Lipich for 25 years of ministry on the Pastoral Team of Radiant Church. Congratulations Gray and Nancy; you are an inspiration to us all!


August 19 - 20 we conducted our first Rocky Mountain Ministries Conference at Pueblo Praise Assembly of God. We had an enriching time of mutual encouragement and ministry instruction with 265 people from over 47 churches registered. For those who could not attend we have audio recordings of several lecture sessions that will be posted on our district web site at www.rmdc.org. I encourage you to consider these recorded sessions as a training or inspirational resource for leaders and workers in your church.


Howard and Betty Skinner are RMDC ministers living in Windsor, CO. They have written a book entitled “Secrets to Our Supernatural Walk with God”. From a lifetime of experience with God and Spirit directed ministry they provide insight and inspiration for followers of Christ, and ministers in particular. Thank you, Howard and Betty for this helpful and inspiring book. The book can be ordered from the publisher at www.westbowpress.com.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011



Lois M. Hodges went home to be with the Lord July 1, 2011 at the age of 102 years. Her husband, Melvin passed away several years ago. Melvin and Lois Hodges are among the finest missionaries in the history of our movement. May God grant comfort to their family.


Virgil is now home and under hospice care. Your prayers are deeply appreciated. We saw God work powerfully on behalf of Virgil at Christmas time last year and pray He will do so again.


On June 20th it was my privilege to install Robert Schlipp as the Pastor of The Worship Center in Brighton, CO. Robert, his wife, Anna Yansi, and their two beautiful children began their ministry in Brighton earlier in June and we welcome them to the Rocky Mountain District.

The last week of June Loretta and I attended the Missionary Renewal in Springfield, MO. The sessions for district leaders were inspiring and our fellowship with several RMDC missionaries was wonderful. Congratulations to Todd and Leslie Stamps, who were commissioned to missionary service Thursday night, June 30th. Dary Northrup shared a great message in that service. It was refreshing to see such a strong representation of CO and UT ministers at this event celebrating our participation in the great commission.

Loretta and I spent time with Bob and Sherilyn Cook enjoying fellowship and mutual encouragement before returning home. Our relationships with one another in our ministry family are so valuable and I thank God for each one of you.


The RMMC is coming up August 19-20 at Praise Assembly of God in Pueblo, CO. This conference is a coming together of our district Women’s Ministry, Men’s Ministry, Youth Ministry, Children’s Ministry, Royal Rangers, and Girls Clubs departments.
This conference will take the place of the annual leadership seminars normally planned separately by each department. Workshops will provide training and inspiration for leaders and workers in these areas of ministry. There will also be the added dynamic of interaction with others involved in ministry from other churches.

This conference is for people already engaged in these areas of ministry and people who are interested in learning more about serving in the local church. Pastors are welcome as well. Registration before August 1st is $40.00 per person. Registration includes lunch on Saturday.

I believe this conference will strengthen these vital areas of ministry in the local church and I encourage you to promote this conference with your leaders and congregation. Please check our district web site for time, location, lodging, workshop, and registration information at www.rmdc.org.

Monday, June 20, 2011



On Saturday, June 18th, Murray Kemper passed away. Murray ministered in Utah and founded Christian Life Assembly of God in Payson where Pastor Mark and Pam Gering now serve. His funeral will be Wednesday, June 22nd, at Christian Life Assembly of God at 11:00 a.m. Please pray for the family.


On Saturday, June 11 Loretta and I attended Melissa Darnell’s wedding in Gunnison, CO. Her parents, Mike and Becky pastor River of Life Fellowship in Gunnison. Melissa married John Durham and will be living in Houston, TX where John serves as an Associate Pastor. Congratulations Melissa!

Then we traveled through Southern Utah to see with our pastors. It was my privilege to minister at Richfield AG for Pastor Willard Coleman. Willard and Betty planted this church 35 years ago and have developed a fine church in a challenging environment.

Sunday evening we visited with Michael and Jana Trail in St. George. They pastor New Life Christian Center and are doing a great job in the midst of a suffering local economy. God has directed them to several avenues of influence in the community.

Monday morning we met with Jerry and Emma Van Iwaarden, and Jonathan and Stephanie Holiman. Together they pastor Westview Christian Center in Cedar City. Jonathan and Stephanie planted a church there a few years ago and when the economy went south in the area several key families moved. The outcome has been a joining of the two churches. This has proven to be an excellent arrangement with each church providing strength in different areas of ministry.

Monday evening we met with Ray and Nancy Paschen in Moab. They have been faithfully pastoring First Assembly of God for several years. Most recently they have been improving the church facility as they continue to minister to the church family and reach out to the community.

Tuesday morning we met with Emil and Nancy Romero who pastor Faith Assembly of God in Blanding. With the help of work teams and finances from Pueblo Christian Center and Amazing Grace Fellowship of Pueblo, CO they have transformed the exterior of the building. It is now one of the most attractive and inviting buildings in the community. Emil has suffered physically in recent years but continues to faithfully build the church and reach out to the community.

May God abundantly bless the personal lives and ministries of all these wonderful people who have answered God’s call and serve in challenging places. Many are being added to the Kingdom of God because of their work.

Thursday, June 9, 2011



I like the way Paul concludes 2 Corinthians. “May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.” (2 Corinthians 13:14). Our relationship with God is complete when we relate biblically with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The dynamic of fellowship with God is experienced in relationship with the Holy Spirit.

It is the Holy Spirit who convinces of sin, righteousness, and judgment leading us to Christ. When we repent and place our faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior the Holy Spirit enters our lives. He then begins to develop our character, direct our steps, and empower us for ministry as we welcome and yield to his influence.

Zechariah records that Zerubbabel started construction on the Temple and for two years it remained unfinished. No doubt this was a discouraging and baffling time for Zerubbabel. In that season God reminded him that the Holy Spirit would insure the completion of the project.

Then God spoke to him through Zechariah “This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord Almighty. What are you, O mighty mountain? Before Zerubbabel you will become level ground. Then he will bring out the capstone to shouts of ‘God bless it! God bless it.’ Then the word of the Lord came to me: The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this temple; his hands will also complete it. Then you will know that the Lord Almighty has sent me to you.” (Zechariah 4:5-8).

When we try to do God’s work in our human strength we are soon discouraged and rendered ineffective. Reliance on the Holy Spirit for direction, empowerment, and influence over those things we cannot control is vital to sustained effective ministry.

May this Pentecost Sunday be a reminder of the Holy Spirit’s presence and work. Enjoy his fellowship, grow in his sanctifying work, and walk in his empowering presence. Be filled with the Spirit.


I was honored to speak at The Worship Center in Brighton, CO Sunday, May 29th. Their new Pastor, Robert Schlip will began ministry there June 5th. Several of our open churches are being filled and I look forward to welcoming each new pastor to the RMD.

Sunday evening, June5th I conducted the business meeting for Broomfield AG in which David Williams was elected to serve as their Senior Pastor. God bless you Dave and Becky as you begin this new assignment.


On May the 25th Central District Superintendent Dennis Rivera, Pastor Isaac Oliveraz, Pastor Gene Roncone, and I recorded a podcast discussing the planting of a new AG church in downtown Denver. Our district is partnering with the Central District in the establishment of this vitally needed church.

I encourage you to learn more about this unique and needed project by listening to the podcast on our district web site at www.rmdc.org under resources then urban outreach center.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


As you know, a well intentioned preacher predicted that Jesus would return for His church on May 21, 2011. That day came and went and the Lord did not return. Following this miscalculation the same prophetic pundit said he was 5 months off and Jesus will return October 21, 2011. I’m sure all of us find these predictions embarrassing in light of the inaccuracy involved and the following statement of Jesus: “No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven nor the Son, but only the Father.” (Matthew 24:36). We know the signs of the times indicate His coming could be soon, but that’s all we know about the timing of His coming. No doubt unbelievers revel in anything that embarrasses the church. However, the truth of God’s Word endures. It is not subject to human error and God continues His work of drawing people to Himself.

On the plus side, this prophetic fiasco reminds us that Jesus promised to come back and when He does everything will change. “Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award to me on that day – and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.” (2 Timothy 4:8). Longing for His appearing is designed to be a healthy characteristic of God’s children.

I have heard it said that some Christians are so heavenly minded they are of no earthly good. It would be unhealthy and unbiblical to neglect responsibility on earth because we anticipate the Lord’s coming. A healthy, biblical perspective anticipates the Lord’s return and draws from that hope motivation to live for Christ on earth. It is not an obsession that blurs our understanding of earthly realities and responsibilities. It is a deep seated hope that helps shape our lives in very constructive ways on this earth.

The hope of His coming motivates us to holy living. “Everyone who has this hope in him purifies himself, just as he is pure.” (1 John 3:3). I had the privilege of pastoring many military people in Colorado Springs. I remember one young wife and mother whose husband was stationed overseas for a long period of time. As his return home neared she began making preparations. She lost weight, cleaned up the house, and prepared her young children for his arrival. It was a wonderful lesson on preparing to receive the person you love.

The hope of His coming motivates us to faithful service. Speaking of life after death Paul said, “Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.” (1 Corinthians 15:58). The prospect of Jesus coming before we die holds the same hope of eternal reward for our service.

The hope of His coming ministers peace in a troubled world. We all experience discouragement when our efforts bring less than desired results. Not enough people are getting saved, the church is imperfect, and Christians let us down. And, sometimes we disappoint ourselves. The hope of Christ’s coming includes the ultimate establishment of His Kingdom on earth. In that day the redeemed will be free from the frailties of human flesh and all Christians will be complete in their transformation. When His Kingdom comes in fullness all humanity will be under the direct reign of Jesus Christ and all will be made right. “Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when he appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.” (1 John 23:2).

“We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies. For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is not hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has? But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.” (Romans 8:22-25).

Be encouraged. He didn’t come on May 21st and probably won’t come on October 21st, but He will come. If He doesn’t come in your life time, you will enter His fully expressed presence and Kingdom when you die. So, till He comes or we pass from this life let’s keep introducing our Savior and the truth of His Word to as many as possible and bring the influence of His Kingdom into this hurting lost world.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Connections and Reflections


My last personal ebulletin was January 10, 2011. Since that time I have had the privilege of visiting Castlewood Canyon Church in Franktown, CO, and Pastor Jack and Lynnett Serr January 16th. We enjoyed a wonderful worship experience and the testimonies of many in the church sharing what God is doing. God bless you Jack and Lynnett as you continue to minister in the Franktown area.

On January 30th I ministered at Abundant Life Church in Silverthorne, CO. Abundant Life is in pastoral transition and the Elements AG pastoral team is providing interim pastoral leadership. Currently, we have several churches open and pray God will direct the leadership of His choosing to each church.

On January 31st we started our District Sectional Tour in Sterling, CO. It was a joy to connect with the majority of our ministers as we travelled throughout Colorado and Utah. Winter weather presented a challenge at times but we had good attendance and safe travel. In February one Sunday speaking engagement was cancelled due to weather and I had to cancel another one at the end of the month due to a sinus infection that sidelined me for a few days.

On February 20th I was honored to preach at Life Church in Salt Lake City, UT for Pastor Jim and Carrie Ayers. They are now conducting three Sunday a.m. services. Many have been coming into the Kingdom of God because of this exciting church.


I shared a message with those present at the sectional council meals on “Life-Giving Preaching” and would like to reiterate the ingredients in effective preaching.

Effective preaching informs the mind, stirs the heart, and motivates the will with God’s word. It changes lives for time and eternity, and it builds the church spiritually and numerically. Preaching is not the only ingredient in the life of a church, but it is a critical ingredient. “For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe.” 1 Corinthians 1:21. Life-giving preaching requires an authentic messenger, an impacting message, an effective delivery, and a compelling authority.

AN AUTHENTIC MESSENGER: An authentic or credible messenger is one who is a sincere follower of Jesus Christ, a student of God’s word, and a practitioner of God’s word. God spoke through a donkey once, but that does not mean He will speak through one again. In fact, the biblical qualifications for eldership in the church indicate that the credibility of the preacher is of great importance to God. People are not interested in hearing a message from someone who does not understand or practice what they preach.

This is not to say we must be perfect. Part of authenticity is openness regarding our humanity and continuing growth in Christ. But, that openness is expressed in the context of a mature life in Christ that provides an example to the flock of God and a good reputation to the world.

AN IMPACTING MESSAGE: An impacting message is biblical, logical, and Spirit-formed. The “foolishness” we preach is actually the wisdom of God which is regarded as foolishness by people who have not received the illumination of the Holy Spirit. “For the foolishness of God is wiser than man’s wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man’s strength.” 1 Corinthians 1:25. Biblical truth is accompanied by the work of the Holy Spirit and changes lives for time and eternity. We cannot find a more needed or important message than God’s Word.

Presenting a logical and Spirit-formed message is also critical to life-giving preaching. This is the product of concerted study, design, and prayer. By design I mean developing a logical presentation that people will understand and can apply to their lives. Prayer invokes the Holy Spirit’s participation in the design of the sermon.

AN EFFECTIVE DELIVERY: An effective delivery is heart-felt, contextualized, and natural. Jesus demonstrated every facet of life-giving preaching. His delivery was marked by the compassion he felt for the people and his identification with the people. He appealed to their sympathies and imagination by using illustrations from the culture of his day.

Another important ingredient in delivery is natural style. Effective preachers possess a wide range of personalities. Some are very demonstrative and others conversational. T. D. Jakes and Jack Hayford are polar opposites in style but both are very effective in their delivery. The key is to develop your natural style. God uses different personalities to minister to different people.

A COMPELLING AUTHORITY: A compelling authority is derived from God’s Word, position, wisdom, love, and righteous living. God’s Word has an authority all its own. It will not return void. Position, such as that of a pastor and credentialed minister carries a degree of authority. People also grant authority to speak into their lives to those who are wise and those who love them. Furthermore, righteous living or moral authority is necessary in the messenger, if we expect people to be interested in what we have to say. “The people were amazed at his (Jesus) teaching, because he taught them as one who had authority, not as the teachers of the law.” Mark 1:22

In the late 1800s George Matheson went to pastor in Edinburgh, Scotland. About six months after his arrival an elder in his church was calling on congregants and came to the home of an elderly widow who lived in a cellar. When he learned she had moved he searched the community and found her living in an attic room. He went to see her and when she invited him in he noted that the humble attic room was as clean, bright, and cheerful as the cellar had been dark, damp, and dirty. He said to her, “I see you have changed your home.” She responded by saying “Yes, you cannot hear George Matheson preach and live in a cellar”.

Effective preaching is life-giving. It changes lives for time and eternity, and it grows your church spiritually and numerically. “The disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it.” Mark 16:20. May God strengthen all of us in the art of Preaching the Word.