Since my last Ebulletin Peggy
Vawter and our District Women’s Ministry conducted the Colorado District
Woman’s retreat, October 3-5, in Keystone, CO with outstanding attendance. Peggy is resigning as our WM Director
effective December 31, 2014 after 24 years of leadership. Thank you Peggy for your dedicated and
effective ministry!
On Thursday, October 9th
Tuusolo Sua, Pastor of Samoan First Assembly of God in Colorado Springs, CO for
28 years was laid to rest. It was an
honor to join with the congregation plus many friends and family to express our
love and appreciation for Pastor Sua in the memorial service. I think he is receiving a hero’s welcome in
heaven for his service to the Lord Jesus Christ.
October 10-11, Loretta and I
attended the Utah ministers retreat in Park City, UT. It was a wonderful gathering marked by
laughter, encouragement, and instruction.
We have a great team of ministers in Utah!
On Sunday, October 12th
it was my privilege to speak at Abundant Life Assembly of God in North Salt
Lake, UT for Pastor Alex Lucero. That
same Sunday Alex, as Assistant Superintendent, was in Farr West, UT to set in
order New Life Northview Church as a General Council church. Northview began under the leadership of
Pastor Seth and Katy Koetitz as a PAC of New Life Fellowship in Logan, UT and
Pastor Dane and Bev Wead.
Congratulations to Seth and Dane!
On Saturday, October 18th I met with the
congregation of the Samoan First Assembly of God in Colorado Springs to discuss
the way forward following Pastor Sua’s death.
They are a wonderful body of people with an excellent spirit. I pray for God’s comfort and sustaining grace
in the church, and for His will to be done in the selection of a new Pastor.
Sunday, October 19th I spoke for Pastor Phil and
Heather Steiger at Living Hope Church in Colorado Springs. They are planting a PAC in downtown Colorado
Springs under the leadership of Pastor Ryan and Cortney Ragozine. May God bless this expansion of ministry.
On October 23rd Loretta and I traveled to
Waxahachie, TX to meet with students from our district and speak in the Chapel
service Friday morning. I am excited
about the many young people in the RMD who are dedicated to Jesus Christ and
pursuing His plan for their lives.
October 14-15 we held our fall Presbytery meeting in
Colorado Springs, CO. Among the many
decisions made were the following:
A total of $64,700 was allocated
from our district church planting funds to assist with four church planting
New Beginning Christian Fellowship
(Pastor Jonathan and Lisa Hendron), a PAC of Westview Christian Center, (Pastor
Jerry and Emma Lee Van Iwaarden) was recommended to the General Council to
receive General Council status,
John Vandenberg was appointed as
Pastor of New Hope Community Church in Golden, CO and,
Shawn Reine was appointed Fit
Pastors Representative for our district.
Shawn will be an advocate and resource for physical health and fitness
to our minsters.
The decision of the Supreme Court
not to overturn lower court decisions on same-sex marriage has validated same
sex-marriages in many states including Utah and Colorado. Recently civic authorities in Houston demanded
five local pastors turn over sermons in which they spoke about
homosexuality. These pastors are
involved in an effort to overturn an ordinance which allows among other things
transgender people to use restrooms of their choice in businesses and public
buildings. Thankfully, the demand to
turn over sermons has been withdrawn, but the effort is an indicator of things
to come. These events together with many
other developments over recent years make it clear we are entering a
post-Christian era in America, and the church is becoming increasingly
alienated from our culture. Though it
may seem new to us in our nation the circumstance of alienation was the norm
for the New Testament church and to a much greater degree than we are
Writing to the church of his day,
Peter said, “Dear friends, I urge you, as
aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain from sinful desires, which war
against your soul. Live such good lives
among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your
good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us.” 1 Peter 2 11-12
HOLINESS: So, as “aliens
and strangers in the world” how should the church respond to a culture
moving away from Judeo/Christian values?
Peter’s brief comment on the subject provides excellent guidance. First of all live a HOLY life. Living for Christ often means living in a
manner contrary to societal norms. The
instruction of God’s word isn’t altered by current cultural norms neither
should the message of the church be altered.
One of the most encouraging words I received from a member of Bethel
Church in San Jose, CA was “you make holiness cool”. True biblical holiness is beautiful and
uplifting; not ugly and destructive.
Being cool is not the product of conforming to the world around us, but
rather being transformed into the likeness of Jesus Christ.
HEALING: Second, live a HEALING life. Living according to the wisdom of God’s word
translates into living a good life which in turn accrues to the benefit of
those around us. When Israel was in
Babylonian captivity God instructed them through Jeremiah to “Build houses and settle down; plant gardens
and eat what they produce. Marry and
have sons and daughters, find wives, for your sons and give your daughters in
marriage, so that they too may have sons and daughters. Increase in number there; do not
decrease. Also, seek the peace and
prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it because if it
prospers, you too will prosper.” Jeremiah 29:4-7. They were to live “the good life” in the
midst of an alien culture, and seek peace and prosperity for all.
As pastors we are often
conflicted over how the church should influence the world. I think Tim Keller in his book Center Church
provides an excellent overarching perspective on this matter. He says “…it is best to think of the
organized church’s primary function as evangelizing and equipping people to be
disciples and then sending the ‘organic church’ – Christians at work in the
world – to engage the culture, do justice, and restore God’s shalom. … We teach
Christians to integrate their faith and their work so they can be culture
makers, working for human flourishing – the common good. The ‘already but not yet’ of the Kingdom
keeps us from a utopian, triumphalistic vision of cultural take over on the one
hand, and from pessimism or withdrawal from society on the other.”
HOPE: A healing life is not only the product of
exemplary living, but also a product of ministry to people who do not know
Christ. So, we should also live HOPEFUL
lives. Pointing people to Jesus Christ
is the best thing we can do to minister to the hurting world around us. “Always be prepared to give an answer to
everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,
keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your
good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander.” 1 Peter 3:15-16. When God visits us there should be people who
will give glory to God because of our good deeds. On that day every knee will bow and every
tongue confess that Jesus is Lord. May
as many as possible make that declaration as redeemed children of God who
received the message of God’s grace through us.
So, keep sharing the good news of Jesus Christ.
“…I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy to offer your bodies as
living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God – this is your spiritual act of
worship. Do not conform any longer to
the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your
mind. Then you will be able to test and
approve what God’s will is – his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Romans 12:1-2
Don’t lose heart or accept false
guilt because of the deterioration of the culture in which we live. There will be a great falling away in the end
times, but there will also be many – from every tribe and nation – who will
come to Christ. And, His grace is
sufficient for His church in troubling times.
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