Wednesday, November 26, 2014


JULY PRESBYTERY MEETING:  Our Presbytery had a productive meeting July 8-9.  One outcome of this meeting is a reorganization of our District Men’s Ministry.  We decided to go forward with four area men’s ministry directors serving the eastern plains of CO, the front range of CO, the west slope of CO, and UT.  Selection of the four area directors is under way.  Their primary assignment will be to create a district men’s retreat for their area in 2015.  The reason for this change is to provide retreats that are designed around the interests and needs of men in our churches in those unique areas of our district.  More information will be shared as this takes shape in the coming months.

Also, the Presbytery approved the appointment of Melanie Aragon as our new Girl’s Ministry Director effective January 1, 2015.  Melanie’s husband, Paul is pastor of Restoration Church in Colorado Springs, CO.  Congratulations, Melanie and thank you for accepting this important ministry assignment.

New Life Northview church, Pastor Seth and Katy Koetitz, in Far West, UT was recommended for General Council status pending General Council ratification.  This church was planted in 2012 as a PAC of New Life Fellowship, Pastor Dane and Beverly Wead in Logan, UT and is thriving.  Congratulations Seth and Dane.

My report to the Presbyters included the upcoming church planting effort in the core of Denver by Steve Pike and his Urban Islands Church Planting project.  The Denver urban area is in need of more churches and I am excited about this development.   Also, John Palmer, Executive Director of Emerge, will be bringing regional Healthy Ministers Seminars to the RMD in 2015.

CHRUCH MULTIPLICATION ESSENTIAL:  The Essential boot camp was conducted at Red Rocks Church in Golden, CO July 14-18.  A large number of church planters, core team members, and pastors planting PACs were present.  Thanks to Pastor Shawn Johnson and Red Rocks Church for hosting this conference.  Also, thanks goes to Jerry Cassell and all the coaches he coordinated from the RMD to serve during the conference.

Church planting remains an essential ingredient in reaching people for Jesus Christ.  I pray the Lord helps us increase the number of churches in CO and UT.

CAMPS AND PK RETREAT:  Lee and Renae Terry conducted the PK retreat at Copper Mountain, July 21-21.  This is a meaningful event for ministers’ kids and it was exciting to see so many come.  We have had a very good summer of camps for children and teenagers.  Thanks to our Royal Ranger Director, Jack Marshall, Girl’s Ministry Director, Linda Bottoms, Children’s Ministries Director, Jay Risner, and Youth Director, Lee Terry, and all their team members who provide these wonderful ministry experiences for our young people.

DENVER DREAM CENTER:  Bryan Sederwall formally started a Dream Center in downtown Denver.  Bryan has been working in pastoral ministry in the downtown area for several years and has already developed several ministry efforts in cooperation with Denver civic leaders to address many of the needs in urban Denver.  Some of the ministry underway includes ministry to men coming out of prison, Adopt a Block at several sites in partnership with the Denver Housing Authority, after school programs, Sunday night services at Step 13, and administering Friday night recreation for youth with the City of Denver, and Parks and Rec. 

The Denver Dream Center is about “Rescuing People…Rebuilding Lives…Restoring Dreams” and welcomes church mission trips to assist in the ministry.  If you are interested and would like to learn more, their web site is

NEW BOOK BY TODD HUDNALL:  Pastor Todd Hudnall, Radiant Church, Colorado Springs, CO recently authored the book “Church Come Forth” published by CrossBooks a Division of LifeWay.  Todd presents a “biblical plan for transformational turnaround” in this practical and helpful book.  I believe this book is an excellent resource for every pastor.  Congratulations, Todd and thanks for this helpful resource.

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