Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Since my last ebulletin Loretta and I had the joy of joining with Austin Bluffs Community Church on August 24th as they honored John and Cheri Pauls for 25 years of pastoral ministry.  Congratulations John and Cheri, and thank you for your persevering and prevailing ministry!  This is a significant achievement for Christ and His Kingdom.

Sunday, August 25th Loretta and I had the privilege of visiting Passionate Life Church in Sheridan, CO.  Pastor Andrew and Dawn Thurber planted this church within the last two years as a PAC of Timberline Church.  The church is growing and doing well.  God bless you Andrew and Dawn as you continue this vital work.

Sunday, September 1st, I was honored to speak at Bridge to Life Church in Canon City, CO as they celebrated their 75th anniversary.  Pastor Larry and Marilyn Kettle planned a service that included songs from years ago and reminders of ministry through the years.  I thank God for this enduring church.  Eternity will reveal the many life-changing results from the ministry of this church.  May God use this church to His glory till Jesus comes.  We appreciate you and your ministry, Larry and Marilyn.

Sunday, September 8th, I spoke at Lakeside Community AG in Sunset, UT for Pastor Lonnie and Pam Campbell on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the church.  Lonnie and Pam planted this church and developed it into a strong healthy church.  Now they are nearing the launch of a PAC in a nearby community.  God bless you Lonnie and Pam. 

Sunday evening Loretta and I enjoyed connecting with Pastor Ernie and Lisa Fonseca of Victory Fist AG in Brigham City, UT.  They are a great couple doing the work of God.

Though I was unable to attend I want to extend congratulations to Pastor Charlie and Miranda Stoumbaugh who were married Friday, September 13th.  Charlie pastors Cornerstone Church in Buena Vista, CO and also serves as our Presbyter for the Mountain Section.

Friday, September 20th Loretta and I traveled to UT where Loretta spoke at the District WM UT retreat.  This retreat set a new record attendance and was enriching to all who came.  Thanks Peggy Vawter and WM leadership team for providing this meaningful event.

During the retreat Randy Popineau and I visited Pastor Matt and Candice Roberts Friday evening to take in the ministry of Genesis Project in Ogden, UT.  Their ministry includes a Friday night service designed to reach the lost and three Sunday morning services.  Matt and Candice started Genesis Project 5 years ago as an independent church and then became a PAC of Timberline Church this year.  This church now runs a Dream Center in Ogden which they started in conjunction with Alfred Murillo. 

Matt and Candice grew up in Radiant Church in Colorado Springs and have a relationship with the AG through myself, Rod Cowles, and Randy Popineau from their years at Radiant.  The evening ended with Matt introducing me to a couple who have been in the church for one year.  After hearing Matt share his history at Radiant at the end of the service, the husband told Matt he gave his heart to the Lord and was baptized in Radiant Church several years ago while serving in the military in Colorado Springs.  I had to throw that in because it meant so much to me.  Our labor for the Lord is not in vain.

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