Thursday, May 14, 2015



On Good Friday evening, April 3rd Loretta and I had the opportunity to attend the “Every Thought Captive” community event at The Cliff House in Manitou Springs, CO sponsored by Living Hope Church and Pastor Phil Steiger of Colorado Springs.  Dr. Craig Blomberg from Denver Seminary spoke to the subject “Are the Christian Scriptures Reliable”.  Dr. Blomberg recently published the book entitled “Can We Still Believe the Bible?”.  This event and periodic ones like it are designed to present the gospel as reasonable, winsome, and true to the community outside the walls of the church.  You can view this event at  God bless you Phil in this unique outreach.

Saturday, April 4th Loretta and I attended the Sarah’s Home Gala at Spruce Mountain Ranch, Larkspur, CO.  Sarah’s Home is moving forward with a recent shift in leadership.  Dr. Scott Bottoms Pastor of Church at Briargate, Colorado Springs, CO is the new chairman of the board and Vicki Proffit is the new Director.  We appreciate the work of founding board chairman Phil Steiger and Director Lincoln Smith.  This strategic ministry is lifting girls out of human trafficking and into God’s salvation and plan for their lives.  May we continue to financially support and pray for this vital ministry.

On April 9th our friend, Pastor Chris Acquah passed away.  Chris pastored Hope AG in Aurora, CO, a Ghanaian church.  I joined the church Sunday morning, April 12th to mourn with them and to affirm our hope in Jesus Christ as we worshipped the Lord together.  The church is solid with sound theology and mature leadership which is a tribute to Chris’ ministry.  We are praying for and working with the church to find the Pastor of God’s choosing moving into the future.  The memorial service for Chris Acquah will be May 30, 2015 at Haran & McConaty Funeral Home, 11150 E. Dartmouth Ave., Aurora, CO 80014 at 10:00 a.m.

Tuesday, April 14th I opened the Colorado Springs City Council meeting with prayer.  I mention this to talk about the President of the City Council, Keith King.  Keith and his wife Sandi are outstanding followers of Jesus Christ.  They moved to Colorado Springs in 1977 just a few weeks after Loretta and I arrived to pastor what was then called Nob Hill Assembly of God; later relocated and renamed Radiant Church.  They became faithful members of the church and started a retail furniture business in Colorado Springs which multiplied into several stores stretching across several states.  Keith also started and continues to serve as President of “Colorado Springs Early Colleges” Charter High School.  Keith and Sandy have faithfully worked in the church in leadership and teaching roles, and have been ardent supporters of missions.

As time went by Keith ran for political office and was elected as a Representative to the Colorado state legislature.  After he was sworn into office he shared with me that one of his goals was to witness to at least one person a week while in office.  He became very influential and rose to leadership within the legislature.  Later Keith was elected to serve as a state Senator.  Following his career in the state legislature Keith was elected to the Colorado Springs City Council and then to President of the Council.  He has served the citizens of Colorado Springs and the state of Colorado for over 18 years in an elected office.

Keith is a tremendous example of a Christian serving Christ in the church and through his career.  The scripture he uses for his City Council service is Ps 71:14-18; verse 18 says “Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me O Lord, till I declare your power to the next generation, your might to all who are to come.”  I thank God for Keith and Sandi who advance the cause of Christ with the gifts and opportunities God gives them.

Thursday, April 16th Loretta and I joined Cary Coffey, new Executive Director for Teen Challenge of the Rocky Mountains (TC), Daniel Patruska, Director of 180 Ministries (TC’s men’s program), and the men at 180 Ministries for lunch at the South Broadway location in Denver, CO.  Cary shared an update on the Teen Challenge of the Rocky Mountains ministries and their vision for the future.  I thank God for Teen Challenge and their three primary arms of ministry; 180 Ministries, House of Promise, and New Hope House.  God bless you Cary and TC leadership team as you move the ministry forward.

On Sunday, April 19th I visited Northland Church in Monument, CO and Pastor Jerry Cassell.  I thoroughly enjoyed the friendliness of the congregation, the worship, and Jerry’s message.  Jerry and Susan started this church a few short years ago and have developed a solid congregation that continues to grow and minister effectively in the community.  God bless you, Jerry and Susan!

April 21st and 22nd we gathered for our 98th District Council at Highpoint Church in Aurora, CO, Pastor Gene and Rhonda Roncone.  There was a wonderful spirit of unity and encouragement that permeated our time together. 

In the business sessions Randy Popineau was returned to the office of Secretary-Treasurer, Jerry Cassell was elected to serve as the East Slope Executive Presbyter, the Sectional Presbyters who were selected during Sectional Tour were ratified, Sid Casillas was elected to serve one year as our under 40 representative to the General Presbytery, and Madlyn Tombs was elected to serve one year as our female Ordained representative to the General Presbytery.  The Council also voted to adopt the doing-business-as name of “Rocky Mountain Ministry Network of the Assemblies of God” and to change the title of Superintendent to “Superintendent aka Network Pastor”.

Nate Banke, Dick Hardy, Randy Popineau, Gene Roncone, and Don Steiger shared ministry.  The messages were recorded and are now posted on our web site at

On Tuesday, April 28th Loretta and I attended the memorial service for Doris Anderson at Calvary Assembly of God in Brush, CO, Pastor Chris and Kathy Russell.  Doris and her husband, Mervin (previously deceased) pastored in Cope and Campo, CO in years past.  In addition to pastoral ministry Doris was a tremendous influence for Christ in the Brush community and as a faithful worker in Calvary AG.

On Thursday, April 30th it was an honor to participate in the memorial service for Cliff Kornmueller at Friendship AG in Colorado Springs, CO, Pastor Jim and Mary Lou Hagan.  Cliff pastored in Ordway and Colorado Springs, CO and served for 17 years as the Secretary-Treasurer for our District.  The memorial service focused on the anticipated “well done” we believe Cliff will hear from His Lord.  He left a legacy of fine leadership and ministry.  May God grant comfort and strength to Cliff’s wife, Marlene.

May 1st and 2nd I attended the Utah Men’s Ministry retreat near Wanship, UT.  Bob Cook was the main speaker (hard to beat that) and I “mopped up” in the last session.  Attendance was strong and I believe each man received something of value from the Lord.  Thank you, Dane Wead, Utah Men’s Ministry Director, for providing this excellent men’s retreat.

The same weekend Randy Popineau attended the West Slope District Men’s Retreat near Gunnison, CO featuring Dave Roever as guest speaker.  The registration was filled to capacity and the ministry was outstanding.  Thanks to Chris Peterson, CO West Slope Men’s Ministry Director, for planning a fine retreat.

May 3rd I had the privilege of speaking at New Life Northview Church in Farr West, UT, Pastor Seth and Katy Koetitz.  This church started three years ago as a PAC of New Life Fellowship in Logan, UT, Pastor Dane and Beverly Wead and has since moved to General Council status.  The church is strong and growing and now has two morning worship services.  God bless you, Seth and Katy!

Sunday, May 10th Army Chaplain, Ric Brown was promoted to Lt. Colonel in a ceremony at Church at Briargate, Colorado Springs, CO Pastor Scott and Linda Bottoms.  It was exciting to celebrate this significant advancement in Chaplain Brown’s military and ministry career.  Congratulations Chaplain Brown!

On Sunday, May 17th I plan to be with Hope Assembly of God in Aurora, CO as they continue on their journey following the death of Pastor Chris Acquah.  Prayer for this church family is appreciated.

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