Wednesday, November 7, 2012


The election is over and I am disappointed in the outcome.  Two states legalizing recreational marijuana, two states legalizing gay marriage by popular vote, a President elect who endorses abortion on demand, gay marriage, widening separation from Israel, encroachment on the freedom of the church, massive federal deficits and debt…  BUT, God is still God and our hope is in Him.  Furthermore, the church remains His agent in this world to bring the life-giving message of the gospel and the wisdom of His word to bear on hurting humanity.  May we trust God, earnestly seek Him, live in His truth, love all people, do His work, and pray for a transforming spiritual renewal in our nation.

While we are at it, let’s pray for our leaders “I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone – for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.  This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.” (1 Timothy 2:1-2). 

I am not quick to assign natural disasters and human events to the judgment of God.  Though His providence is always at work it often requires hindsight for us to understand what He is doing in the affairs of humanity.  Time will tell whether our political leadership and the growing secularism in our society will be an instrument of God to bring our nation rapidly to its knees, or if there will be a prolonged season of overall perceived well-being while the “frog in the kettle” (our population) slowly adjusts to the slow death-inducing rise in the temperature of evil.

In any event let’s pray that God will sweep over our nation drawing vast numbers to Him and in the process transform the spiritual, moral, and economic climate.  Whatever happens around us may we faithfully walk with God and live in the hope He provides.  You are the light of the world and the darker the night the brighter the light.  The joy of the Lord is our strength!


Pastor Bob and Michaelene Wilson and Plateau Valley Assembly of God, Colbran, CO were recently included in a “Hunger in America” documentary for their significant work providing food for needy people in the Colbran area.  Bob was also asked to serve as a panelist at a gathering of Foundations that seek to address this need in southwestern states.  God bless you Bob and Plateau AG for providing this compassion ministry in your community.

I had lunch with our lead pastors in the Northeast Section, Saturday, October 20th in Sterling, CO.  We have fine leaders in this section and I thank God for each one.  God bless these men and their wives as they minister to people in northeastern CO.

On Sunday, October 21st it was my privilege to minister at Bethel Assembly of God in Burlington, CO for Pastor Joe and Sherilyn Berry.  Also, Loretta spoke at a women’s gathering at the church Saturday evening.  Farmers were harvesting corn at the time so some of the congregation was engaged in that essential work.  Still there was good attendance and the health of the church was evident.  God bless you, Joe and Sherilyn as you lead this church and serve as Presbyter for the NE section.

Lee Terry, our DYD conducted one day regional Youth Conventions Friday, October 19th at Dakota Ridge Assembly in Littleton, CO, and Sunday evening, October 21st at Life Church in Salt Lake City, UT.  Participation was excellent with 205 in attendance in eastern CO and 185 in UT. 

On Sunday, October 28th Olathe AG in Olathe, CO honored Pastor Cordell and Erin Hines for 20 years of pastoral ministry.  Congratulations Cordell and Erin!  Only eternity will reveal the full impact of your lives and ministry in the Olathe area.

On the 28th Loretta and I visited The Worship Center at Brighton, CO on the occasion of their 35th anniversary.  In 1977 Pastor Frank Schindler planted this church and it is exciting to think of all the people whose lives have been changed by God through the ministry of this church.  God bless you Pastor Robert T. and Anayansi Schlipp as you lead this church forward in this growing area of the Denver metroplex.

Sunday evening the 28th Abundant Life Community Church in Arvada, CO voted Tim Rosenow in as their new Lead Pastor.  Tim served as an Associate Pastor at ALCC prior to this time.  Congratulations Tim and Bethany, and may God bless your leadership of ALCC going forward!

On Wednesday, October 31st I met with Shiloh and Kimberly Jessop, newly appointed Missionary Associates going to the Philippines.  They will be working with Teen Challenge first in an established center and later developing another center to minister to trafficked girls.  Please keep your heart and church open to our missionaries.  They need our support to fulfill God’s call.

Shiloh and Kimberly have an extraordinary story.  Shiloh grew up in a Mormon polygamist family with two moms and 13 siblings.  He came to Christ through Christian radio and began attending Christian Life Assembly in Payson, UT under Mark Gering’s ministry.  He and Kimberly met later through Coram Deo Church, Pastor David Nicholson.  Kimberly, a graduate of Bethany University, came to Coram Deo to do missionary work among Mormon people.  I thank God for His hand on this young couple and their devotion to the Lord Jesus Christ. 

On November 2nd and 3rd Loretta and I attended the Utah Ministers retreat in Park City, UT.  Alex Lucero, Sid Casillas, and Dane Wead planned a fun and enriching experience for all who came.  God is doing great things in UT.  New PAC churches have emerged in the last year and churches are growing as the Kingdom of God advances in UT.  I thank God for every minister working in UT and pray for an ever increasing harvest of souls.

Saturday evening, November 3rd we attended the Youth Convention service for the west slope of CO in Delta.  Dustin Williams, Youth Pastor at Life Church in Salt Lake City, UT shared a powerful message on living without regrets.  It was exciting to see so many young people seeking to live a life devoted to God without regrets.  Thanks Lee Terry for making these meaningful events available.

Sunday morning, November 4th we visited Crossroads Victory Worship Center in Montrose, CO.  This was the final Sunday of their Missions Convention.  Pastor Chris and Debbie Peterson are effectively leading this church forward with a vision to reach Montrose and the world. 

As part of their vision they are nearing completion of a large all-purpose building which will allow them to expand their ministry to the church and community.  The new building will cost about $600,000 and they are paying for it debt free.  Their goal is to see one soul saved for every dollar spent on the building.  This includes the harvest that is coming from Crossroads Victory Worship Center in Montrose (6 new souls in the last week), the new work they helped in Dove Creek pastored by Buddy Bishop (5 new souls in recent days), and the missionaries they support around the world (80,000 new souls in recent days).  How about that!

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